Cloud Identity API (cloudidentity:v1beta1)


2 new methods


  • cloudidentity.orgUnits.memberships.move

      Flat Path: v1beta1/orgUnits/{orgUnitsId}/memberships/{membershipsId}:move

      Description: Move an OrgMembership to a new OrgUnit. NOTE: This is an atomic copy-and-delete. The resource will have a new copy under the destination OrgUnit and be deleted from the source OrgUnit. The resource can only be searched under the destination OrgUnit afterwards.

      HTTP Method: POST

      Parameter Order: name



          Type: string

          Location: path

          Description: Required. Immutable. The [resource name]( of the OrgMembership. Format: orgUnits/{$orgUnitId}/memberships/{$membership} The `$orgUnitId` is the `orgUnitId` from the [Admin SDK `OrgUnit` resource](, The `$membership` shall be of the form `{$entityType};{$memberId}`, where `$entityType` is the enum value of OrgMembership.EntityType, and `memberId` is the `id` from [Drive API (V3) `Drive` resource]( for OrgMembership.EntityType.SHARED_DRIVE.

          Required: Yes

          Pattern: ^orgUnits/[^/]+/memberships/[^/]+$

      Path: v1beta1/{+name}:move

  • cloudidentity.orgUnits.memberships.list

      Path: v1beta1/{+parent}/memberships

      Description: List OrgMembership resources in an OrgUnit treated as 'parent'. Parent format: orgUnits/{$orgUnitId} where `$orgUnitId` is the `orgUnitId` from the [Admin SDK `OrgUnit` resource](

      HTTP Method: GET



          Description: A page token, received from a previous `OrgMembershipsService.ListOrgMemberships` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListOrgMembershipsRequest` must match the call that provided the page token.

          Type: string

          Location: query


          Type: string

          Location: query

          Description: The search query. Must be specified in [Common Expression Language]( May only contain equality operators on the `type` (e.g., `type == 'shared_drive'`).


          Description: The maximum number of results to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If omitted (or defaulted to zero) the server will default to 50. The maximum allowed value is 100, though requests with page_size greater than that will be silently interpreted as 100.

          Location: query

          Format: int32

          Type: integer


          Description: Required. Immutable. Customer that this OrgMembership belongs to. All authorization will happen on the role assignments of this customer. Format: customers/{$customerId} where `$customerId` is the `id` from the [Admin SDK `Customer` resource]( You may also use `customers/my_customer` to specify your own organization.

          Type: string

          Location: query


          Required: Yes

          Type: string

          Description: Required. Immutable. OrgUnit which is queried for a list of memberships. Format: orgUnits/{$orgUnitId} where `$orgUnitId` is the `orgUnitId` from the [Admin SDK `OrgUnit` resource](

          Location: path

          Pattern: ^orgUnits/[^/]+$

      Flat Path: v1beta1/orgUnits/{orgUnitsId}/memberships

      Parameter Order: parent