▼ ▲ content.inventory.custombatch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : inventory/batch
Description : Updates price and availability for multiple products or stores in a single request. This operation does not update the expiration date of the products.
Path : inventory/batch
Parameters :
Type : boolean
Description : Flag to simulate a request like in a live environment. If set to true, dry-run mode checks the validity of the request and returns errors (if any).
Location : query
▼ ▲ content.inventory.set
HTTP Method : POST
Parameters :
Location : query
Type : boolean
Description : Flag to simulate a request like in a live environment. If set to true, dry-run mode checks the validity of the request and returns errors (if any).
Location : path
Description : The REST ID of the product for which to update price and availability.
Required : Yes
Type : string
Required : Yes
Format : uint64
Type : string
Description : The ID of the account that contains the product. This account cannot be a multi-client account.
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : The code of the store for which to update price and availability. Use `online` to update price and availability of an online product.
Location : path
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content
Description : Updates price and availability of a product in your Merchant Center account.
Path : {merchantId}/inventory/{storeCode}/products/{productId}
Parameter Order :
Flat Path : {merchantId}/inventory/{storeCode}/products/{productId}