Firebase App Check API (firebaseappcheck:v1beta)


3 new methods


  • firebaseappcheck.projects.apps.recaptchaV3Config.patch

      Parameter Order : name

      Flat Path : v1beta/projects/{projectsId}/apps/{appsId}/recaptchaV3Config

      Scopes :

    • Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The relative resource name of the reCAPTCHA v3 configuration object, in the format: ``` projects/{project_number}/apps/{app_id}/recaptchaV3Config ```

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/apps/[^/]+/recaptchaV3Config$

          Type : string


          Format : google-fieldmask

          Description : Required. A comma-separated list of names of fields in the RecaptchaV3Config to update. Example: `site_secret`.

          Location : query

          Type : string

      Path : v1beta/{+name}

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Description : Updates the RecaptchaV3Config for the specified app. While this configuration is incomplete or invalid, the app will be unable to exchange reCAPTCHA V3 tokens for App Check tokens. For security reasons, the `site_secret` field is never populated in the response.

  • firebaseappcheck.projects.apps.recaptchaV3Config.get

      Scopes :

    • Parameters :


          Description : Required. The relative resource name of the RecaptchaV3Config, in the format: ``` projects/{project_number}/apps/{app_id}/recaptchaV3Config ```

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/apps/[^/]+/recaptchaV3Config$

          Required : Yes

      Path : v1beta/{+name}

      Parameter Order : name

      Description : Gets the RecaptchaV3Config for the specified app. For security reasons, the `site_secret` field is never populated in the response.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v1beta/projects/{projectsId}/apps/{appsId}/recaptchaV3Config

  • firebaseappcheck.projects.apps.recaptchaV3Config.batchGet

      Path : v1beta/{+parent}/apps/-/recaptchaV3Config:batchGet

      Flat Path : v1beta/projects/{projectsId}/apps/-/recaptchaV3Config:batchGet

      Parameter Order : parent

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Repeated : Yes

          Description : Required. The relative resource names of the RecaptchaV3Configs to retrieve, in the format: ``` projects/{project_number}/apps/{app_id}/recaptchaV3Config ``` A maximum of 100 objects can be retrieved in a batch.


          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The parent project name shared by all RecaptchaV3Configs being retrieved, in the format ``` projects/{project_number} ``` The parent collection in the `name` field of any resource being retrieved must match this field, or the entire batch fails.

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+$

      Scopes :

    • HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Atomically gets the RecaptchaV3Configs for the specified list of apps. For security reasons, the `site_secret` field is never populated in the response.