Street View Publish API (streetviewpublish:v1)


5 new methods


  • streetviewpublish.photoSequence.startUpload

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes :

      Flat Path : v1/photoSequence:startUpload

      Path : v1/photoSequence:startUpload

      Description : Creates an upload session to start uploading photo sequence data. The upload URL of the returned UploadRef is used to upload the data for the `photoSequence`. After the upload is complete, the UploadRef is used with CreatePhotoSequence to create the PhotoSequence object entry.

  • streetviewpublish.photoSequence.delete

      Flat Path : v1/photoSequence/{sequenceId}

      Path : v1/photoSequence/{sequenceId}

      Scopes :

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Description : Deletes a PhotoSequence and its metadata. This method returns the following error codes: * google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user did not create the requested photo sequence. * google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the photo sequence ID does not exist. * google.rpc.Code.FAILED_PRECONDITION if the photo sequence ID is not yet finished processing.

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. ID of the PhotoSequence.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

      Parameter Order : sequenceId

  • streetviewpublish.photoSequence.create

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Not specified. Server will return google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT.
        • 360 Video.
        • Extensible Device Metadata,
        • Type : string

          Description : Required. The input form of PhotoSequence.

          Enum :

        • VIDEO
        • XDM

      Path : v1/photoSequence

      Description : After the client finishes uploading the PhotoSequence with the returned UploadRef, CreatePhotoSequence extracts a sequence of 360 photos from a video or Extensible Device Metadata (XDM, to be published to Street View on Google Maps. `CreatePhotoSequence` returns an Operation, with the PhotoSequence Id set in the `` field. This method returns the following error codes: * google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT if the request is malformed. * google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the upload reference does not exist.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v1/photoSequence

      Scopes :

  • streetviewpublish.photoSequence.get

      Path : v1/photoSequence/{sequenceId}

      Scopes :

      Description : Gets the metadata of the specified PhotoSequence via the Operation interface. This method returns the following three types of responses: * `Operation.done` = false, if the processing of PhotoSequence is not finished yet. * `Operation.done` = true and `Operation.error` is populated, if there was an error in processing. * `Operation.done` = true and `Operation.response` is poulated, which contains a PhotoSequence message. This method returns the following error codes: * google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user did not create the requested PhotoSequence. * google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the requested PhotoSequence does not exist.

      Parameters :


          Enum Descriptions :

        • Server responses do not include the download URL for the photo bytes. The default value.
        • Server responses include the download URL for the photo bytes.
        • Enum :

        • BASIC
        • Description : Specifies if a download URL for the photo sequence should be returned in `download_url` of individual photos in the PhotoSequence response. > Note: Currently not implemented.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Description : Optional. The filter expression. For example: `published_status=PUBLISHED`. The filters supported are: `published_status`. See for more information.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Description : Required. ID of the photo sequence.

          Required : Yes

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v1/photoSequence/{sequenceId}

      Parameter Order : sequenceId

  • streetviewpublish.photoSequences.list

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Optional. The nextPageToken value returned from a previous ListPhotoSequences request, if any.


          Location : query

          Description : Optional. The maximum number of photo sequences to return. `pageSize` must be non-negative. If `pageSize` is zero or is not provided, the default page size of 100 is used. The number of photo sequences returned in the response may be less than `pageSize` if the number of matches is less than `pageSize`. This is currently unimplemented but is in process.

          Type : integer

          Format : int32


          Type : string

          Description : Optional. The filter expression. For example: `imagery_type=SPHERICAL`. The filters supported are: `imagery_type`, `processing_state`, `min_latitude`, `max_latitude`, `min_longitude`, `max_longitude`, and `filename_query`. See for more information. Filename queries should sent as a Phrase in order to support multple words and special characters by adding escaped quotes. Ex: filename_query="example of a phrase.mp4"

          Location : query

      Scopes :

      Description : Lists all the PhotoSequences that belong to the user, in descending CreatePhotoSequence timestamp order.

      Flat Path : v1/photoSequences

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v1/photoSequences