▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.signUp
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Signs up a new email and password user or anonymous user, or upgrades an anonymous user to email and password. For an admin request with a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with the proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control), creates a new anonymous, email and password, or phone number user. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Path : v1/accounts:signUp
Flat Path : v1/accounts:signUp
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.update
HTTP Method : POST
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/accounts:update
Description : Updates account-related information for the specified user by setting specific fields or applying action codes. Requests from administrators and end users are supported.
Path : v1/accounts:update
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.sendOobCode
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Sends an out-of-band confirmation code for an account. Requests from a authenticated request can optionally return a link including the OOB code instead of sending it.
Flat Path : v1/accounts:sendOobCode
Path : v1/accounts:sendOobCode
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.signInWithPassword
Path : v1/accounts:signInWithPassword
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/accounts:signInWithPassword
Description : Signs in a user with email and password. If the sign-in succeeds, a new Identity Platform ID token and refresh token are issued for the authenticated user. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.signInWithGameCenter
Description : Signs in or signs up a user with iOS Game Center credentials. If the sign-in succeeds, a new Identity Platform ID token and refresh token are issued for the authenticated user. The bundle ID is required in the request header as `x-ios-bundle-identifier`. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Flat Path : v1/accounts:signInWithGameCenter
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/accounts:signInWithGameCenter
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.createAuthUri
Description : If an email identifier is specified, checks and returns if any user account is registered with the email. If there is a registered account, fetches all providers associated with the account's email. If the provider ID of an Identity Provider (IdP) is specified, creates an authorization URI for the IdP. The user can be directed to this URI to sign in with the IdP. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Flat Path : v1/accounts:createAuthUri
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/accounts:createAuthUri
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.verifyIosClient
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Verifies an iOS client is a real iOS device. If the request is valid, a reciept will be sent in the response and a secret will be sent via Apple Push Notification Service. The client should send both of them back to certain Identity Platform APIs in a later call (for example, /accounts:sendVerificationCode), in order to verify the client. The bundle ID is required in the request header as `x-ios-bundle-identifier`. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Path : v1/accounts:verifyIosClient
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/accounts:verifyIosClient
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.sendVerificationCode
Description : Sends a SMS verification code for phone number sign-in. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Path : v1/accounts:sendVerificationCode
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/accounts:sendVerificationCode
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.lookup
Description : Gets account information for all matched accounts. For an end user request, retrieves the account of the end user. For an admin request with Google OAuth 2.0 credential, retrieves one or multiple account(s) with matching criteria.
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/accounts:lookup
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/accounts:lookup
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.issueSamlResponse
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/accounts:issueSamlResponse
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Experimental
Path : v1/accounts:issueSamlResponse
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.signInWithCustomToken
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/accounts:signInWithCustomToken
Flat Path : v1/accounts:signInWithCustomToken
Description : Signs in or signs up a user by exchanging a custom Auth token. Upon a successful sign-in or sign-up, a new Identity Platform ID token and refresh token are issued for the user. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.delete
HTTP Method : POST
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/accounts:delete
Flat Path : v1/accounts:delete
Description : Deletes a user's account.
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.signInWithIdp
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/accounts:signInWithIdp
Description : Signs in or signs up a user using credentials from an Identity Provider (IdP). This is done by manually providing an IdP credential, or by providing the authorization response obtained via the authorization request from CreateAuthUri. If the sign-in succeeds, a new Identity Platform ID token and refresh token are issued for the authenticated user. A new Identity Platform user account will be created if the user has not previously signed in to the IdP with the same account. In addition, when the "One account per email address" setting is enabled, there should not be an existing Identity Platform user account with the same email address for a new user account to be created. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Flat Path : v1/accounts:signInWithIdp
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.signInWithPhoneNumber
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/accounts:signInWithPhoneNumber
Description : Completes a phone number authentication attempt. If a user already exists with the given phone number, an ID token is minted for that user. Otherwise, a new user is created and associated with the phone number. This method may also be used to link a phone number to an existing user. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/accounts:signInWithPhoneNumber
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.resetPassword
Path : v1/accounts:resetPassword
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/accounts:resetPassword
Description : Resets the password of an account either using an out-of-band code generated by sendOobCode or by specifying the email and password of the account to be modified. Can also check the purpose of an out-of-band code without consuming it.
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.accounts.signInWithEmailLink
Flat Path : v1/accounts:signInWithEmailLink
Description : Signs in or signs up a user with a out-of-band code from an email link. If a user does not exist with the given email address, a user record will be created. If the sign-in succeeds, an Identity Platform ID and refresh token are issued for the authenticated user. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/accounts:signInWithEmailLink
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.getSessionCookiePublicKeys
Path : v1/sessionCookiePublicKeys
Description : Retrieves the set of public keys of the session cookie JSON Web Token (JWT) signer that can be used to validate the session cookie created through createSessionCookie.
Flat Path : v1/sessionCookiePublicKeys
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.getPublicKeys
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : v1/publicKeys
Description : Retrieves public keys of the legacy Identity Toolkit token signer to enable third parties to verify the legacy ID token. For now the X509 pem cert is the only format supported.
Path : v1/publicKeys
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.getProjects
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Gets a project's public Identity Toolkit configuration. (Legacy) This method also supports authenticated calls from a developer to retrieve non-public configuration.
Path : v1/projects
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The RP OAuth client ID. If set, a check will be performed to ensure that the OAuth client is valid for the retrieved project and the request rejected with a client error if not valid.
Location : query
Location : query
Description : Whether dynamic link should be returned.
Type : boolean
Description : SHA-1 Android application cert hash. If set, a check will be performed to ensure that the cert hash is valid for the retrieved project and android_package_name.
Type : string
Location : query
Format : int64
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Project number of the configuration to retrieve. This field is deprecated and should not be used by new integrations.
Type : string
Description : The Firebase app ID, for applications that use Firebase. This can be found in the Firebase console for your project. If set, a check will be performed to ensure that the app ID is valid for the retrieved project. If not valid, the request will be rejected with a client error.
Location : query
Type : string
Location : query
Description : iOS bundle id to check against the real ios bundle id. If this field is provided, the action will throw an error if this does not match the real iOS bundle id.
Description : Android package name to check against the real android package name. If this field is provided, and sha1_cert_hash is not provided, the action will throw an error if this does not match the real android package name.
Location : query
Type : string
Format : int64
Location : query
Type : string
Description : Project Number of the delegated project request. This field should only be used as part of the Firebase V1 migration.
Flat Path : v1/projects
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.getRecaptchaParams
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/recaptchaParams
Description : Gets parameters needed for generating a reCAPTCHA challenge.
Flat Path : v1/recaptchaParams
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.batchCreate
HTTP Method : POST
Parameters :
Description : The Project ID of the Identity Platform project which the account belongs to.
Type : string
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Location : path
Scopes :
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:batchCreate
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:batchCreate
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Description : Uploads multiple accounts into the Google Cloud project. If there is a problem uploading one or more of the accounts, the rest will be uploaded, and a list of the errors will be returned. To use this method requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.delete
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : The ID of the project which the account belongs to. Should only be specified in authenticated requests that specify local_id of an account.
Location : path
Type : string
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:delete
Description : Deletes a user's account.
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:delete
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.batchGet
Scopes :
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:batchGet
Description : Download account information for all accounts on the project in a paginated manner. To use this method requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).. Furthermore, additional permissions are needed to get password hash, password salt, and password version from accounts; otherwise these fields are redacted.
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Parameters :
Description : The ID of the Identity Platform tenant the accounts belongs to. If not specified, accounts on the Identity Platform project are returned.
Location : query
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : If `tenant_id` is specified, the ID of the Google Cloud project that the Identity Platform tenant belongs to. Otherwise, the ID of the Google Cloud project that the accounts belong to.
Location : path
Type : string
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Description : The pagination token from the response of a previous request.
Location : query
Type : string
Location : query
Format : int64
Description : The maximum number of results to return. Must be at least 1 and no greater than 1000. By default, it is 20.
Type : integer
Location : query
Format : int32
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:batchGet
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.batchDelete
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Parameters :
Description : If `tenant_id` is specified, the ID of the Google Cloud project that the Identity Platform tenant belongs to. Otherwise, the ID of the Google Cloud project that accounts belong to.
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:batchDelete
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Batch deletes multiple accounts. For accounts that fail to be deleted, error info is contained in the response. The method ignores accounts that do not exist or are duplicated in the request. This method requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper permissions. (https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control)
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:batchDelete
Scopes :
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.lookup
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:lookup
Parameters :
Description : The ID of the Google Cloud project that the account or the Identity Platform tenant specified by `tenant_id` belongs to. Should only be specified by authenticated requests bearing a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).
Type : string
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Location : path
Required : Yes
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Description : Gets account information for all matched accounts. For an end user request, retrieves the account of the end user. For an admin request with Google OAuth 2.0 credential, retrieves one or multiple account(s) with matching criteria.
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:lookup
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.sendOobCode
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Parameters :
Description : The Project ID of the Identity Platform project which the account belongs to. To specify this field, it requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:sendOobCode
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:sendOobCode
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Sends an out-of-band confirmation code for an account. Requests from a authenticated request can optionally return a link including the OOB code instead of sending it.
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.update
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:update
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The project ID for the project that the account belongs to. Specifying this field requires Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper permissions (https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control). Requests from end users should pass an Identity Platform ID token instead.
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : Updates account-related information for the specified user by setting specific fields or applying action codes. Requests from administrators and end users are supported.
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:update
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts.query
Description : Looks up user accounts within a project or a tenant based on conditions in the request.
Parameters :
Description : The ID of the project to which the result is scoped.
Location : path
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Type : string
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts:query
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts:query
Scopes :
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts
Parameters :
Type : string
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The project ID of the project which the user should belong to. Specifying this field requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with the proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control). If this is not set, the target project is inferred from the scope associated to the Bearer access token.
Description : The ID of the Identity Platform tenant to create a user under. If not set, the user will be created under the default Identity Platform project.
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Location : path
Parameter Order :
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts
Description : Signs up a new email and password user or anonymous user, or upgrades an anonymous user to email and password. For an admin request with a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with the proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control), creates a new anonymous, email and password, or phone number user. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.createSessionCookie
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}:createSessionCookie
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The ID of the project that the account belongs to.
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Type : string
Location : path
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Description : The tenant ID of the Identity Platform tenant the account belongs to.
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}:createSessionCookie
Parameter Order :
Description : Creates a session cookie for the given Identity Platform ID token. The session cookie is used by the client to preserve the user's login state.
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.query
Description : Looks up user accounts within a project or a tenant based on conditions in the request.
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : The ID of the project to which the result is scoped.
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The ID of the tenant to which the result is scoped.
Type : string
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:query
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:query
Scopes :
Parameter Order :
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.batchCreate
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:batchCreate
Parameter Order :
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Description : The Project ID of the Identity Platform project which the account belongs to.
Description : The ID of the Identity Platform tenant the account belongs to.
Required : Yes
Type : string
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Location : path
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:batchCreate
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Uploads multiple accounts into the Google Cloud project. If there is a problem uploading one or more of the accounts, the rest will be uploaded, and a list of the errors will be returned. To use this method requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).
Scopes :
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.batchDelete
Parameter Order :
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:batchDelete
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:batchDelete
Parameters :
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : If `tenant_id` is specified, the ID of the Google Cloud project that the Identity Platform tenant belongs to. Otherwise, the ID of the Google Cloud project that accounts belong to.
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : If the accounts belong to an Identity Platform tenant, the ID of the tenant. If the accounts belong to an default Identity Platform project, the field is not needed.
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : Batch deletes multiple accounts. For accounts that fail to be deleted, error info is contained in the response. The method ignores accounts that do not exist or are duplicated in the request. This method requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper permissions. (https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control)
Scopes :
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.batchGet
Scopes :
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : If `tenant_id` is specified, the ID of the Google Cloud project that the Identity Platform tenant belongs to. Otherwise, the ID of the Google Cloud project that the accounts belong to.
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The pagination token from the response of a previous request.
Description : The ID of the Identity Platform tenant the accounts belongs to. If not specified, accounts on the Identity Platform project are returned.
Type : string
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Location : path
Required : Yes
Format : int64
Location : query
Type : string
Description : The maximum number of results to return. Must be at least 1 and no greater than 1000. By default, it is 20.
Type : integer
Format : int32
Location : query
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:batchGet
Description : Download account information for all accounts on the project in a paginated manner. To use this method requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).. Furthermore, additional permissions are needed to get password hash, password salt, and password version from accounts; otherwise these fields are redacted.
Parameter Order :
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:batchGet
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.sendOobCode
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : path
Description : The Project ID of the Identity Platform project which the account belongs to. To specify this field, it requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : The tenant ID of the Identity Platform tenant the account belongs to.
Location : path
Parameter Order :
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:sendOobCode
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:sendOobCode
HTTP Method : POST
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Sends an out-of-band confirmation code for an account. Requests from a authenticated request can optionally return a link including the OOB code instead of sending it.
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.lookup
Description : Gets account information for all matched accounts. For an end user request, retrieves the account of the end user. For an admin request with Google OAuth 2.0 credential, retrieves one or multiple account(s) with matching criteria.
Parameter Order :
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:lookup
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:lookup
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : The ID of the tenant that the account belongs to. Should only be specified by authenticated requests from a developer.
Type : string
Location : path
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : The ID of the Google Cloud project that the account or the Identity Platform tenant specified by `tenant_id` belongs to. Should only be specified by authenticated requests bearing a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control).
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.update
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:update
Parameters :
Location : path
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : The project ID for the project that the account belongs to. Specifying this field requires Google OAuth 2.0 credential with proper permissions (https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control). Requests from end users should pass an Identity Platform ID token instead.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The tenant ID of the Identity Platform tenant that the account belongs to. Requests from end users should pass an Identity Platform ID token rather than setting this field.
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Type : string
Parameter Order :
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Updates account-related information for the specified user by setting specific fields or applying action codes. Requests from administrators and end users are supported.
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:update
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.tenants.accounts.delete
Parameters :
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : The ID of the project which the account belongs to. Should only be specified in authenticated requests that specify local_id of an account.
Location : path
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Location : path
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : The ID of the tenant that the account belongs to, if applicable. Only require to be specified for authenticated requests bearing a Google OAuth 2.0 credential that specify local_id of an account that belongs to an Identity Platform tenant.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Deletes a user's account.
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order :
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/tenants/{+tenantId}/accounts:delete
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/tenants/{tenantsId}/accounts:delete
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.queryAccounts
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Looks up user accounts within a project or a tenant based on conditions in the request.
Scopes :
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}:queryAccounts
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}:queryAccounts
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : The ID of the project to which the result is scoped.
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.accounts
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Description : The project ID of the project which the user should belong to. Specifying this field requires a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with the proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control). If this is not set, the target project is inferred from the scope associated to the Bearer access token.
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Required : Yes
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/accounts
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Description : Signs up a new email and password user or anonymous user, or upgrades an anonymous user to email and password. For an admin request with a Google OAuth 2.0 credential with the proper [permissions](https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/access-control), creates a new anonymous, email and password, or phone number user. An [API key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is required in the request in order to identify the Google Cloud project.
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}/accounts
▼ ▲ identitytoolkit.projects.createSessionCookie
Parameter Order : targetProjectId
Description : Creates a session cookie for the given Identity Platform ID token. The session cookie is used by the client to preserve the user's login state.
HTTP Method : POST
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/projects/{+targetProjectId}:createSessionCookie
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}:createSessionCookie
Parameters :
Pattern : ^[^/]+$
Description : The ID of the project that the account belongs to.
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string