Display & Video 360 API (displayvideo:v2)


148 new methods


  • displayvideo.partners.get

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the partner to fetch.

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}

      Description : Gets a partner.

      Parameter Order : partnerId

  • displayvideo.partners.list

      Path : v2/partners

      Description : Lists partners that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/partners

      Parameters :


          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`.

          Type : integer

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by partner properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `entityStatus` Examples: * All active partners: `entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListPartners` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. For example, `displayName desc`.

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.partners.editAssignedTargetingOptions

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}:editAssignedTargetingOptions

      Description : Edits targeting options under a single partner. The operation will delete the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditPartnerAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.deleteRequests and then create the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditPartnerAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.createRequests .

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}:editAssignedTargetingOptions

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the partner.

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order : partnerId

  • displayvideo.partners.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.get

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
    • Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. An identifier unique to the targeting type in this partner that identifies the assigned targeting option being requested.

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the partner.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : path


          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Enum :

        • Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option. Supported targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Gets a single targeting option assigned to a partner.

  • displayvideo.partners.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.list

      Description : Lists the targeting options assigned to a partner.

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • targetingType
    • Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. Identifies the type of assigned targeting options to list. Supported targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Enum :

        • Location : path


          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the partner.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `assignedTargetingOptionId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `assignedTargetingOptionId desc`.


          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListPartnerAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query


          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `assignedTargetingOptionId` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOption with ID 123456 `assignedTargetingOptionId="123456"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

          Location : query

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.partners.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.create

      Description : Assigns a targeting option to a partner. Returns the assigned targeting option if successful.

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • targetingType
    • Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the partner.

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Format : int64


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Enum :

        • Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option. Supported targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`

  • displayvideo.partners.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.delete

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
    • Description : Deletes an assigned targeting option from a partner.

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Enum :

        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option. Supported targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL`

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the assigned targeting option to delete.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the partner.

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.create

      Description : Creates a new channel. Returns the newly created channel if successful.

      Parameter Order : partnerId

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the created channel.

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the created channel.

          Location : query

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/channels

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/channels

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : POST

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.patch

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/channels/{channelId}

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the created channel.

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the channel. Assigned by the system.


          Location : query

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the created channel.

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Type : string

      Description : Updates a channel. Returns the updated channel if successful.

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/channels/{channelId}

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • channelId
  • displayvideo.partners.channels.list

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Type : integer


          Description : Allows filtering by channel fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for channel currently can only contain at most one * restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `displayName` Examples: * All channels for which the display name contains "google": `displayName : "google"`. The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the channels.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `channelId` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListChannels` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the channels.

      Parameter Order : partnerId

      Description : Lists channels for a partner or advertiser.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/channels

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/channels

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.get

      Parameters :


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the fetched channel.

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the fetched channel.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Location : path


          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the channel to fetch.

          Location : path

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Gets a channel for a partner or advertiser.

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/channels/{channelsId}

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • channelId
    • Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/channels/{+channelId}

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.sites.create

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • channelId
    • Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites

      Description : Creates a site in a channel.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel in which the site will be created.

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.

          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Type : string


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.

          Location : path

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.sites.bulkEdit

      Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites:bulkEdit

      HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Bulk edits sites under a single channel. The operation will delete the sites provided in BulkEditSitesRequest.deleted_sites and then create the sites provided in BulkEditSitesRequest.created_sites.

      Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites:bulkEdit

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • channelId
    • Parameters :


          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel to which the sites belong.


          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.sites.list

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `10000`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Format : int32


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by site fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for site currently can only contain at most one * restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `urlOrAppId` Examples: * All sites for which the URL or app ID contains "google": `urlOrAppId : "google"`


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListSites` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.

          Location : path


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `urlOrAppId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `urlOrAppId desc`.

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel to which the requested sites belong.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Lists sites in a channel.

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • channelId
    • Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnersId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites

      Path : v2/partners/{+partnerId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.sites.replace

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Replaces all of the sites under a single channel. The operation will replace the sites under a channel with the sites provided in ReplaceSitesRequest.new_sites.

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel whose sites will be replaced.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • channelId
    • Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites:replace

      Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites:replace

      HTTP Method : POST

  • displayvideo.partners.channels.sites.delete

      Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites/{+urlOrAppId}

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Deletes a site from a channel.

      Parameter Order :

    • partnerId
    • channelId
    • urlOrAppId
    • Flat Path : v2/partners/{partnerId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites/{sitesId}

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel to which the site belongs.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The URL or app ID of the site to delete.


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.


          Location : path

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

  • displayvideo.combinedAudiences.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the fetched combined audiences.


          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListCombinedAudiences` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by combined audience fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for combined audiences currently can only contain at most one restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `displayName` Examples: * All combined audiences for which the display name contains "Google": `displayName : "Google"`. The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `combinedAudienceId` (default) * `displayName` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Type : string


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the fetched combined audiences.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/combinedAudiences

      Flat Path : v2/combinedAudiences

      Description : Lists combined audiences. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

  • displayvideo.combinedAudiences.get

      Path : v2/combinedAudiences/{+combinedAudienceId}

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the fetched combined audience.


          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the combined audience to fetch.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the fetched combined audience.

          Location : query

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : combinedAudienceId

      Flat Path : v2/combinedAudiences/{combinedAudiencesId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Gets a combined audience.

  • displayvideo.firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.list

      Parameters :


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId` (default) * `displayName` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the fetched first and third party audiences.


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the fetched first and third party audiences.

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : int64


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Format : int32


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by first and third party audience fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for first and third party audiences currently can only contain at most one restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `displayName` Examples: * All first and third party audiences for which the display name contains "Google": `displayName : "Google"`. The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListFirstAndThirdPartyAudiences` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query

      Description : Lists first and third party audiences. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

      Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences

  • displayvideo.firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.editCustomerMatchMembers

      Flat Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences/{firstAndThirdPartyAudiencesId}:editCustomerMatchMembers

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the Customer Match FirstAndThirdPartyAudience whose members will be edited.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences/{+firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId}:editCustomerMatchMembers

      Parameter Order : firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Updates the member list of a Customer Match audience. Only supported for the following audience_type: * `CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO` * `CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID`

  • displayvideo.firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.get

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the fetched first and third party audience.

          Format : int64


          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the fetched first and third party audience.

          Format : int64

          Type : string


          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the first and third party audience to fetch.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order : firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId

      Description : Gets a first and third party audience.

      Flat Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences/{firstAndThirdPartyAudiencesId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences/{+firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId}

  • displayvideo.firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.create

      Description : Creates a FirstAndThirdPartyAudience. Only supported for the following audience_type: * `CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO` * `CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID`

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser under whom the FirstAndThirdPartyAudience will be created.

      Flat Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences

      Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.patch

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the owner advertiser of the updated FirstAndThirdPartyAudience.

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the first and third party audience. Assigned by the system.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update. Updates are only supported for the following fields: * `displayName` * `description` * `membershipDurationDays`

          Location : query

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences/{+firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId}

      Parameter Order : firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/firstAndThirdPartyAudiences/{firstAndThirdPartyAudiencesId}

      Description : Updates an existing FirstAndThirdPartyAudience. Only supported for the following audience_type: * `CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO` * `CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID`

  • displayvideo.advertisers.patch

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}

      Description : Updates an existing advertiser. Returns the updated advertiser if successful.

      Parameters :


          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser. Assigned by the system.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

  • displayvideo.advertisers.list

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/advertisers

      Parameters :


          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`.


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListAdvertisers` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `entityStatus` * `updateTime` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. For example, `displayName desc`.


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the partner that the fetched advertisers should all belong to. The system only supports listing advertisers for one partner at a time.


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by advertiser properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator used on `updateTime` must be `GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (>=)` or `LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (<=)`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `advertiserId` - `displayName` - `entityStatus` - `updateTime` (input in ISO 8601 format, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) Examples: * All active advertisers under a partner: `entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE"` * All advertisers with an update time less than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime<="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` * All advertisers with an update time greater than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime>="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

      Description : Lists advertisers that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. A single partner_id is required. Cross-partner listing is not supported.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers

  • displayvideo.advertisers.audit

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}:audit

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Description : Audits an advertiser. Returns the counts of used entities per resource type under the advertiser provided. Used entities count towards their respective resource limit. See https://support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/6071450.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}:audit

      Parameters :


          Description : Optional. The specific fields to return. If no mask is specified, all fields in the response proto will be filled. Valid values are: * usedLineItemsCount * usedInsertionOrdersCount * usedCampaignsCount * channelsCount * negativelyTargetedChannelsCount * negativeKeywordListsCount * adGroupCriteriaCount * campaignCriteriaCount

          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Location : query


          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser to audit.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.editAssignedTargetingOptions

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}:editAssignedTargetingOptions

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

      Description : Edits targeting options under a single advertiser. The operation will delete the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.delete_requests and then create the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.create_requests .

      HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}:editAssignedTargetingOptions

  • displayvideo.advertisers.listAssignedTargetingOptions

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}:listAssignedTargetingOptions

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}:listAssignedTargetingOptions

      Description : Lists assigned targeting options of an advertiser across targeting types.

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `targetingType` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `targetingType desc`.


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token that lets the client fetch the next page of results. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `BulkListAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`.. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `targetingType` Examples: * targetingType with value TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL `targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Type : integer

          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. The size must be an integer between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified, the default is '5000'. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.create

      HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Creates a new advertiser. Returns the newly created advertiser if successful. This method can take up to 180 seconds to complete.

      Path : v2/advertisers

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers

  • displayvideo.advertisers.delete

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Deletes an advertiser. Deleting an advertiser will delete all of its child resources, for example, campaigns, insertion orders and line items. A deleted advertiser cannot be recovered.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser we need to delete.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      HTTP Method : DELETE

  • displayvideo.advertisers.get

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Gets an advertiser.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser to fetch.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.sites.list

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListSites` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.


          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `urlOrAppId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `urlOrAppId desc`.

          Location : query


          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel to which the requested sites belong.

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Format : int64


          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `10000`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by site fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for site currently can only contain at most one * restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `urlOrAppId` Examples: * All sites for which the URL or app ID contains "google": `urlOrAppId : "google"`

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites

      Description : Lists sites in a channel.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • channelId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.sites.create

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel in which the site will be created.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.

          Format : int64

          Type : string


          Required : Yes

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : path

      Description : Creates a site in a channel.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • channelId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.sites.replace

      Description : Replaces all of the sites under a single channel. The operation will replace the sites under a channel with the sites provided in ReplaceSitesRequest.new_sites.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites:replace

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • channelId
    • HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites:replace

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel whose sites will be replaced.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.sites.delete

      Description : Deletes a site from a channel.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites/{+urlOrAppId}

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites/{sitesId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • channelId
    • urlOrAppId
    • HTTP Method : DELETE

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel to which the site belongs.

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent channel.

          Location : query


          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The URL or app ID of the site to delete.

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Required : Yes

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Type : string

  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.sites.bulkEdit

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • channelId
    • Description : Bulk edits sites under a single channel. The operation will delete the sites provided in BulkEditSitesRequest.deleted_sites and then create the sites provided in BulkEditSitesRequest.created_sites.

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent channel.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes


          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent channel to which the sites belong.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{+channelId}/sites:bulkEdit

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/channels/{channelsId}/sites:bulkEdit

  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Description : Lists channels for a partner or advertiser.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/channels

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/channels

      Parameters :


          Description : Allows filtering by channel fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for channel currently can only contain at most one * restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `displayName` Examples: * All channels for which the display name contains "google": `displayName : "google"`. The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Location : path

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the channels.

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Format : int32


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `channelId` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the channels.

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListChannels` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.get

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/channels/{channelsId}

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the channel to fetch.

          Format : int64

          Type : string


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the fetched channel.

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the fetched channel.

          Location : query

      Description : Gets a channel for a partner or advertiser.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • channelId
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/channels/{+channelId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.create

      Description : Creates a new channel. Returns the newly created channel if successful.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/channels

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/channels

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the created channel.

          Format : int64

          Location : query


          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the created channel.

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

  • displayvideo.advertisers.channels.patch

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • channelId
    • HTTP Method : PATCH

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/channels/{channelId}

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the created channel.


          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the created channel.

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Format : int64

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the channel. Assigned by the system.

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/channels/{channelId}

      Description : Updates a channel. Returns the updated channel if successful.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.get

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders/{insertionOrdersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders/{+insertionOrderId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Required. An identifier unique to the targeting type in this insertion order that identifies the assigned targeting option being requested.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Required : Yes


          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the insertion order belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path


          Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Enum :

        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Location : path


          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the insertion order the assigned targeting option belongs to.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Gets a single targeting option assigned to an insertion order.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • insertionOrderId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.list

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders/{insertionOrdersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders/{+insertionOrderId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Parameters :


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `assignedTargetingOptionId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `assignedTargetingOptionId desc`.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the insertion order to list assigned targeting options for.

          Format : int64


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `assignedTargetingOptionId` - `inheritance` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOptions with ID 1 or 2 `assignedTargetingOptionId="1" OR assignedTargetingOptionId="2"` * AssignedTargetingOptions with inheritance status of NOT_INHERITED or INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER `inheritance="NOT_INHERITED" OR inheritance="INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string


          Location : path

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Required. Identifies the type of assigned targeting options to list.

          Enum :



          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListInsertionOrderAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the insertion order belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Type : integer

      Description : Lists the targeting options assigned to an insertion order.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • insertionOrderId
    • targetingType
  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.create

      Description : Creates a new insertion order. Returns the newly created insertion order if successful.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the insertion order belongs to.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.delete

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders/{+insertionOrderId}

      Description : Deletes an insertion order. Returns error code `NOT_FOUND` if the insertion order does not exist. The insertion order should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED`, to be able to delete it.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • insertionOrderId
    • Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders/{insertionOrdersId}

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : The ID of the advertiser this insertion order belongs to.

          Type : string


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the insertion order to delete.

          Type : string

          Location : path

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : DELETE

  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.listAssignedTargetingOptions

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Lists assigned targeting options of an insertion order across targeting types.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • insertionOrderId
    • Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders/{+insertionOrderId}:listAssignedTargetingOptions

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders/{insertionOrdersId}:listAssignedTargetingOptions

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the insertion order to list assigned targeting options for.

          Required : Yes


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `targetingType` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `targetingType desc`.


          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR` on the same field. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `targetingType` - `inheritance` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOptions of targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST or TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL `targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST" OR targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL"` * AssignedTargetingOptions with inheritance status of NOT_INHERITED or INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER `inheritance="NOT_INHERITED" OR inheritance="INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Description : Requested page size. The size must be an integer between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified, the default is `5000`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Format : int32


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token that lets the client fetch the next page of results. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `BulkListInsertionOrderAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the insertion order belongs to.

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.patch

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the insertion order. Assigned by the system.

          Format : int64


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Format : google-fieldmask


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the insertion order belongs to.

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Type : string

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • insertionOrderId
    • Description : Updates an existing insertion order. Returns the updated insertion order if successful.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders/{+insertionOrderId}

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders/{insertionOrdersId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.list

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * "displayName" (default) * "entityStatus" * "updateTime" The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by insertion order properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator used on `budget.budget_segments.date_range.end_date` must be LESS THAN (<). * The operator used on `updateTime` must be `GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (>=)` or `LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (<=)`. * The operators used on all other fields must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `campaignId` - `displayName` - `entityStatus` - `budget.budget_segments.date_range.end_date` (input as YYYY-MM-DD) - `updateTime` (input in ISO 8601 format, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) Examples: * All insertion orders under a campaign: `campaignId="1234"` * All `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` or `ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED` insertion orders under an advertiser: `(entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE" OR entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED")` * All insertion orders whose budget segments' dates end before March 28, 2019: `budget.budget_segments.date_range.end_date<"2019-03-28"` * All insertion orders with an update time less than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime<="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` * All insertion orders with an update time greater than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime>="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser to list insertion orders for.

          Type : string

          Location : path


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListInsertionOrders` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Format : int32

          Location : query

          Type : integer

      Description : Lists insertion orders in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, insertion orders with `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.advertisers.insertionOrders.get

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser this insertion order belongs to.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the insertion order to fetch.

          Format : int64

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/insertionOrders/{+insertionOrderId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Gets an insertion order. Returns error code `NOT_FOUND` if the insertion order does not exist.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • insertionOrderId
    • Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/insertionOrders/{insertionOrdersId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.get

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns/{+campaignId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • campaignId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
    • Description : Gets a single targeting option assigned to a campaign.

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the campaign belongs to.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Type : string


          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Enum :

        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the campaign the assigned targeting option belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Type : string


          Description : Required. An identifier unique to the targeting type in this campaign that identifies the assigned targeting option being requested.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns/{campaignsId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.list

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Lists the targeting options assigned to a campaign for a specified targeting type.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • campaignId
    • targetingType
    • Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns/{+campaignId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the campaign belongs to.

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Required : Yes


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Enum :

        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the campaign to list assigned targeting options for.

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListCampaignAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `assignedTargetingOptionId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `assignedTargetingOptionId desc`.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `assignedTargetingOptionId` - `inheritance` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOptions with ID 1 or 2 `assignedTargetingOptionId="1" OR assignedTargetingOptionId="2"` * AssignedTargetingOptions with inheritance status of NOT_INHERITED or INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER `inheritance="NOT_INHERITED" OR inheritance="INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Format : int32

          Location : query

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns/{campaignsId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.listAssignedTargetingOptions

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns/{campaignsId}:listAssignedTargetingOptions

      Description : Lists assigned targeting options of a campaign across targeting types.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns/{+campaignId}:listAssignedTargetingOptions

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • campaignId
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `targetingType` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `targetingType desc`.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. The size must be an integer between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified, the default is `5000`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the campaign to list assigned targeting options for.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Description : A token that lets the client fetch the next page of results. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `BulkListCampaignAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR` on the same field. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `targetingType` - `inheritance` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOptions of targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE or TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER `targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE" OR targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER"` * AssignedTargetingOptions with inheritance status of NOT_INHERITED or INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER `inheritance="NOT_INHERITED" OR inheritance="INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the campaign belongs to.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.get

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • campaignId
    • Scopes :

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
    • HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns/{+campaignId}

      Description : Gets a campaign.

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser this campaign belongs to.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Description : Required. The ID of the campaign to fetch.

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns/{campaignsId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.list

      Description : Lists campaigns in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, campaigns with `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns

      Scopes :

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
    • HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`.

          Location : query

          Type : integer

          Format : int32


          Description : Allows filtering by campaign properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator used on `updateTime` must be `GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (>=)` or `LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (<=)`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `campaignId` - `displayName` - `entityStatus` - `updateTime` (input in ISO 8601 format, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) Examples: * All `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` or `ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED` campaigns under an advertiser: `(entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE" OR entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED")` * All campaigns with an update time less than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime<="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` * All campaigns with an update time greater than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime>="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `entityStatus` * `updateTime` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.


          Description : The ID of the advertiser to list campaigns for.

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListCampaigns` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.patch

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns/{+campaignId}

      Description : Updates an existing campaign. Returns the updated campaign if successful.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns/{campaignsId}

      Scopes :

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
    • HTTP Method : PATCH

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • campaignId
    • Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the campaign belongs to.


          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the campaign. Assigned by the system.

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : google-fieldmask

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.delete

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns/{campaignsId}

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • campaignId
    • Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns/{+campaignId}

      Description : Permanently deletes a campaign. A deleted campaign cannot be recovered. The campaign should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED`, to be able to delete it.

      Scopes :

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
    • Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser this campaign belongs to.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Required : Yes


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Description : The ID of the campaign we need to delete.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.campaigns.create

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the campaign belongs to.

          Location : path

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/campaigns

      HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/campaigns

      Description : Creates a new campaign. Returns the newly created campaign if successful.

      Scopes :

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.assignedLocations.bulkEdit

      Description : Bulk edits multiple assignments between locations and a single location list. The operation will delete the assigned locations provided in BulkEditAssignedLocationsRequest.deleted_assigned_locations and then create the assigned locations provided in BulkEditAssignedLocationsRequest.created_assigned_locations.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • locationListId
    • Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{+locationListId}/assignedLocations:bulkEdit

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListsId}/assignedLocations:bulkEdit

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the location list to which these assignments are assigned.


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the location list belongs.

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.assignedLocations.create

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListId}/assignedLocations

      HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListId}/assignedLocations

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the location list for which the assignment will be created.

          Type : string


          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the location list belongs.

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Creates an assignment between a location and a location list.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • locationListId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.assignedLocations.delete

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListId}/assignedLocations/{assignedLocationsId}

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListId}/assignedLocations/{+assignedLocationId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • locationListId
    • assignedLocationId
    • Description : Deletes the assignment between a location and a location list.

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the location list belongs.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes


          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the assigned location to delete.

          Location : path


          Description : Required. The ID of the location list to which this assignment is assigned.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.assignedLocations.list

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListId}/assignedLocations

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • locationListId
    • Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListId}/assignedLocations

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the location list belongs.

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Type : string


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListAssignedLocations` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `assignedLocationId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `assignedLocationId desc`.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.


          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the location list to which these assignments are assigned.


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by location list assignment fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `assignedLocationId` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

      Description : Lists locations assigned to a location list.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.create

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/locationLists

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the location list belongs.

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Format : int64

      Description : Creates a new location list. Returns the newly created location list if successful.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/locationLists

  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.patch

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Updates a location list. Returns the updated location list if successful.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • locationListId
    • Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/locationLists/{locationListId}

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Format : google-fieldmask


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the location list. Assigned by the system.

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the location lists belongs.

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/locationLists/{locationListId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.get

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/locationLists/{locationListsId}

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the fetched location list belongs.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the location list to fetch.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • locationListId
    • Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/locationLists/{+locationListId}

      Description : Gets a location list.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.locationLists.list

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/locationLists

      Description : Lists location lists based on a given advertiser id.

      Parameters :


          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. Defaults to `100` if not set. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Format : int32

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `locationListId` (default) * `displayName` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by location list fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `locationType` Examples: * All regional location list: `locationType="TARGETING_LOCATION_TYPE_REGIONAL"` * All proximity location list: `locationType="TARGETING_LOCATION_TYPE_PROXIMITY"`

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListLocationLists` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the fetched location lists belong.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/locationLists

  • displayvideo.advertisers.invoices.lookupInvoiceCurrency

      Scopes :

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
    • Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Month for which the currency is needed. If not set, the request will return existing currency settings for the advertiser. Must be in the format YYYYMM.


          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser to lookup currency for.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/invoices:lookupInvoiceCurrency

      Description : Retrieves the invoice currency used by an advertiser in a given month.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/invoices:lookupInvoiceCurrency

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

  • displayvideo.advertisers.invoices.list

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/invoices

      Description : Lists invoices posted for an advertiser in a given month. Invoices generated by billing profiles with a "Partner" invoice level are not retrievable through this method.

      Scopes :

    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-mediaplanning
    • Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser to list invoices for.

          Format : int64


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Enum :

        • Enum Descriptions :

        • Value is not specified.
        • Invoices with Media cost.
        • Invoices with Platform fee.
        • Description : Select type of invoice to retrieve for Loi Sapin advertisers. Only applicable to Loi Sapin advertisers. Will be ignored otherwise.


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The month to list the invoices for. If not set, the request will retrieve invoices for the previous month. Must be in the format YYYYMM.


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListInvoices` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Location : query

          Format : int32

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/invoices

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.assets.upload

      Supportsmediaupload : Yes

      Description : Uploads an asset. Returns the ID of the newly uploaded asset if successful. The asset file size should be no more than 10 MB for images, 200 MB for ZIP files, and 1 GB for videos. Must be used within the [multipart media upload process](/display-video/api/guides/how-tos/upload#multipart). Examples using provided client libraries can be found in our [Creating Creatives guide](/display-video/api/guides/creating-creatives/overview#upload_an_asset).

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/assets

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser this asset belongs to.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

      Mediaupload :

        Protocols :

          Simple :

            Multipart : Yes

            Path : /upload/v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/assets

        Accept : */*

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/assets

  • displayvideo.advertisers.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.delete

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      Description : Deletes an assigned targeting option from an advertiser.

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the assigned targeting option to delete.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Enum :

        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option. Supported targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL` * `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID` * `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION`

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser.

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.advertisers.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.get

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
    • Description : Gets a single targeting option assigned to an advertiser.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. An identifier unique to the targeting type in this advertiser that identifies the assigned targeting option being requested.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$



          Enum :

        • Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Parameters :


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `assignedTargetingOptionId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `assignedTargetingOptionId desc`.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Format : int32

          Type : integer


          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `assignedTargetingOptionId` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOption with ID 123456 `assignedTargetingOptionId="123456"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes


          Type : string

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.

          Location : path

          Enum :

        • Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • targetingType
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Lists the targeting options assigned to an advertiser.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

  • displayvideo.advertisers.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.create

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes


          Location : path

          Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option. Supported targeting types: * `TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL` * `TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_OMID` * `TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION`

          Required : Yes

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Enum :


      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • targetingType
    • Description : Assigns a targeting option to an advertiser. Returns the assigned targeting option if successful.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.get

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the line item the assigned targeting option belongs to.

          Location : path

          Type : string


          Description : Required. An identifier unique to the targeting type in this line item that identifies the assigned targeting option being requested.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Enum :

        • Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Type : string

          Location : path

      Description : Gets a single targeting option assigned to a line item.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems/{lineItemsId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems/{+lineItemId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • lineItemId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.delete

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems/{+lineItemId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions/{+assignedTargetingOptionId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the assigned targeting option to delete.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path


          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.

          Enum :



          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the line item the assigned targeting option belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • lineItemId
    • targetingType
    • assignedTargetingOptionId
    • Description : Deletes an assigned targeting option from a line item. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * BulkEditLineItemAssignedTargetingOptions * UpdateLineItem * CreateLineItemAssignedTargetingOption * DeleteLineItemAssignedTargetingOption

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems/{lineItemsId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions/{assignedTargetingOptionsId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.create

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.


          Type : string

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : Required. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.

          Enum :

        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the line item the assigned targeting option will belong to.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • lineItemId
    • targetingType
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems/{+lineItemId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

      HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems/{lineItemsId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Description : Assigns a targeting option to a line item. Returns the assigned targeting option if successful. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * BulkEditLineItemAssignedTargetingOptions * UpdateLineItem * CreateLineItemAssignedTargetingOption * DeleteLineItemAssignedTargetingOption

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.list

      Description : Lists the targeting options assigned to a line item.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems/{lineItemsId}/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/assignedTargetingOptions

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • lineItemId
    • targetingType
    • Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `assignedTargetingOptionId` - `inheritance` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOptions with ID 1 or 2 `assignedTargetingOptionId="1" OR assignedTargetingOptionId="2"` * AssignedTargetingOptions with inheritance status of NOT_INHERITED or INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER `inheritance="NOT_INHERITED" OR inheritance="INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query


          Enum :

        • Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Description : Required. Identifies the type of assigned targeting options to list.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path


          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Format : int32


          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListLineItemAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `assignedTargetingOptionId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `assignedTargetingOptionId desc`.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the line item to list assigned targeting options for.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems/{+lineItemId}/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/assignedTargetingOptions

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.list

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `entityStatus` * `flight.dateRange.endDate` * `updateTime` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser to list line items for.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64


          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListLineItems` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by line item properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator used on `flight.dateRange.endDate` must be LESS THAN (<). * The operator used on `updateTime` must be `GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (>=)` or `LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (<=)`. * The operator used on `warningMessages` must be `HAS (:)`. * The operators used on all other fields must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported properties: - `campaignId` - `displayName` - `insertionOrderId` - `entityStatus` - `lineItemId` - `lineItemType` - `flight.dateRange.endDate` (input formatted as YYYY-MM-DD) - `warningMessages` - `flight.triggerId` - `updateTime` (input in ISO 8601 format, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) - `targetedChannelId` - `targetedNegativeKeywordListId` Examples: * All line items under an insertion order: `insertionOrderId="1234"` * All `ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE` or `ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED` and `LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT` line items under an advertiser: `(entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE" OR entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED") AND lineItemType="LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT"` * All line items whose flight dates end before March 28, 2019: `flight.dateRange.endDate<"2019-03-28"` * All line items that have `NO_VALID_CREATIVE` in `warningMessages`: `warningMessages:"NO_VALID_CREATIVE"` * All line items with an update time less than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime<="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` * All line items with an update time greater than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime>="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` * All line items that are using both the specified channel and specified negative keyword list in their targeting: `targetedNegativeKeywordListId=789 AND targetedChannelId=12345` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Lists line items in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, line items with `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.bulkListAssignedTargetingOptions

      Description : Lists assigned targeting options for multiple line items across targeting types.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems:bulkListAssignedTargetingOptions

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems:bulkListAssignedTargetingOptions

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : A token that lets the client fetch the next page of results. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to the `BulkListAssignedTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. The size must be an integer between `1` and `5000`. If unspecified, the default is '5000'. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by assigned targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR` on the same field. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `targetingType` - `inheritance` Examples: * AssignedTargetingOptions of targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST or TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL `targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST" OR targetingType="TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL"` * AssignedTargetingOptions with inheritance status of NOT_INHERITED or INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER `inheritance="NOT_INHERITED" OR inheritance="INHERITED_FROM_PARTNER"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `lineItemId` (default) * `assignedTargetingOption.targetingType` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `targetingType desc`.

          Type : string


          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the line items belongs to.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64


          Repeated : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The IDs of the line items to list assigned targeting options for.

          Location : query

          Format : int64

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.patch

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Updates an existing line item. Returns the updated line item if successful. Requests to this endpoint cannot be made concurrently with the following requests updating the same line item: * BulkEditLineItemAssignedTargetingOptions * UpdateLineItem * CreateLineItemAssignedTargetingOption * DeleteLineItemAssignedTargetingOption

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems/{+lineItemId}

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • lineItemId
    • Parameters :


          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask


          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.

          Required : Yes


          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the line item. Assigned by the system.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems/{lineItemsId}

      HTTP Method : PATCH

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.bulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems:bulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems:bulkEditAssignedTargetingOptions

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser the line items belong to.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Bulk edits targeting options under multiple line items. The operation will delete the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.delete_requests and then create the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.create_requests .

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.create

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Format : int64

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems

      Description : Creates a new line item. Returns the newly created line item if successful.

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      HTTP Method : POST

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.bulkUpdate

      Description : Updates multiple line items.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems:bulkUpdate

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

      Parameter Order : advertisersId

      HTTP Method : POST

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems:bulkUpdate

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.generateDefault

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to.

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Description : Creates a new line item with settings (including targeting) inherited from the insertion order and an `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` entity_status. Returns the newly created line item if successful. There are default values based on the three fields: * The insertion order's insertion_order_type * The insertion order's automation_type * The given line_item_type

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems:generateDefault

      HTTP Method : POST

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems:generateDefault

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.delete

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems/{+lineItemId}

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • lineItemId
    • Description : Deletes a line item. Returns error code `NOT_FOUND` if the line item does not exist. The line item should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED`, to be able to delete it.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems/{lineItemsId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to.

          Location : path


          Description : The ID of the line item to delete.

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

  • displayvideo.advertisers.lineItems.get

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • lineItemId
    • Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/lineItems/{lineItemsId}

      Description : Gets a line item.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/lineItems/{+lineItemId}

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser this line item belongs to.

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the line item to fetch.

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.creatives.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/creatives

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `creativeId` (default) * `createTime` * `mediaDuration` * `dimensions` (sorts by width first, then by height) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `createTime desc`.

          Type : string


          Description : Allows filtering by creative properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restriction for the same field must be combined by `OR`. * Restriction for different fields must be combined by `AND`. * Between `(` and `)` there can only be restrictions combined by `OR` for the same field. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)` for the following fields: - `entityStatus` - `creativeType`. - `dimensions` - `minDuration` - `maxDuration` - `approvalStatus` - `exchangeReviewStatus` - `dynamic` - `creativeId` * The operator must be `HAS (:)` for the following fields: - `lineItemIds` * The operator must be `GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (>=)` or `LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (<=)` for the following fields: - `updateTime` (input in ISO 8601 format, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) * For `entityStatus`, `minDuration`, `maxDuration`, `updateTime`, and `dynamic`, there may be at most one restriction. * For `dimensions`, the value is in the form of `"{width}x{height}"`. * For `exchangeReviewStatus`, the value is in the form of `{exchange}-{reviewStatus}`. * For `minDuration` and `maxDuration`, the value is in the form of `"{duration}s"`. Only seconds are supported with millisecond granularity. * For `updateTime`, a creative resource's field value reflects the last time that a creative has been updated, which includes updates made by the system (e.g. creative review updates). * There may be multiple `lineItemIds` restrictions in order to search against multiple possible line item IDs. * There may be multiple `creativeId` restrictions in order to search against multiple possible creative IDs. Examples: * All native creatives: `creativeType="CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE"` * All active creatives with 300x400 or 50x100 dimensions: `entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE" AND (dimensions="300x400" OR dimensions="50x100")` * All dynamic creatives that are approved by AdX or AppNexus, with a minimum duration of 5 seconds and 200ms. `dynamic="true" AND minDuration="5.2s" AND (exchangeReviewStatus="EXCHANGE_GOOGLE_AD_MANAGER-REVIEW_STATUS_APPROVED" OR exchangeReviewStatus="EXCHANGE_APPNEXUS-REVIEW_STATUS_APPROVED")` * All video creatives that are associated with line item ID 1 or 2: `creativeType="CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO" AND (lineItemIds:1 OR lineItemIds:2)` * Find creatives by multiple creative IDs: `creativeId=1 OR creativeId=2` * All creatives with an update time greater than or equal to `2020-11-04T18:54:47Z (format of ISO 8601)`: `updateTime>="2020-11-04T18:54:47Z"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser to list creatives for.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListCreatives` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Format : int32

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/creatives

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Lists creatives in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, creatives with `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.creatives.patch

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/creatives/{+creativeId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Updates an existing creative. Returns the updated creative if successful.

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Parameters :


          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the creative. Assigned by the system.

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes


          Format : google-fieldmask

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Location : query


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the creative belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/creatives/{creativesId}

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • creativeId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.creatives.get

      Description : Gets a creative.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/creatives/{+creativeId}

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser this creative belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the creative to fetch.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • creativeId
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/creatives/{creativesId}

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.creatives.create

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/creatives

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the advertiser the creative belongs to.

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : POST

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/creatives

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Description : Creates a new creative. Returns the newly created creative if successful.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.creatives.delete

      Description : Deletes a creative. Returns error code `NOT_FOUND` if the creative does not exist. The creative should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED`, before it can be deleted.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • creativeId
    • HTTP Method : DELETE

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/creatives/{+creativeId}

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the creative to be deleted.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : The ID of the advertiser this creative belongs to.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/creatives/{creativesId}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.delete

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the negative keyword list belongs.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes


          Location : path

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the negative keyword list to delete.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListsId}

      Description : Deletes a negative keyword list given an advertiser ID and a negative keyword list ID.

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{+negativeKeywordListId}

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.list

      Description : Lists negative keyword lists based on a given advertiser id.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/negativeKeywordLists

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListNegativeKeywordLists` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. Defaults to `100` if not set. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Location : query


          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the fetched negative keyword lists belong.

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Type : string

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.get

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListsId}

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the negative keyword list to fetch.

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the fetched negative keyword list belongs.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{+negativeKeywordListId}

      Description : Gets a negative keyword list given an advertiser ID and a negative keyword list ID.

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.create

      HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Creates a new negative keyword list. Returns the newly created negative keyword list if successful.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the negative keyword list will belong.

          Location : path

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/negativeKeywordLists

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.patch

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
    • Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListId}

      Description : Updates a negative keyword list. Returns the updated negative keyword list if successful.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListId}

      Parameters :


          Format : google-fieldmask

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.


          Type : string

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the negative keyword list. Assigned by the system.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the negative keyword list belongs.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.negativeKeywords.create

      HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Creates a negative keyword in a negative keyword list.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent negative keyword list in which the negative keyword will be created.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the parent negative keyword list belongs.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListsId}/negativeKeywords

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{+negativeKeywordListId}/negativeKeywords

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.negativeKeywords.bulkEdit

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{+negativeKeywordListId}/negativeKeywords:bulkEdit

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListsId}/negativeKeywords:bulkEdit

      Description : Bulk edits negative keywords in a single negative keyword list. The operation will delete the negative keywords provided in BulkEditNegativeKeywordsRequest.deleted_negative_keywords and then create the negative keywords provided in BulkEditNegativeKeywordsRequest.created_negative_keywords. This operation is guaranteed to be atomic and will never result in a partial success or partial failure.

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the parent negative keyword list belongs.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent negative keyword list to which the negative keywords belong.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.negativeKeywords.delete

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListsId}/negativeKeywords/{negativeKeywordsId}

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The keyword value of the negative keyword to delete.


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent negative keyword list to which the negative keyword belongs.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the parent negative keyword list belongs.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
    • keywordValue
    • Description : Deletes a negative keyword from a negative keyword list.

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{+negativeKeywordListId}/negativeKeywords/{+keywordValue}

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.negativeKeywords.replace

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
    • Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent negative keyword list to which the negative keywords belong.

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the parent negative keyword list belongs.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListsId}/negativeKeywords:replace

      Path : v2/advertisers/{advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{+negativeKeywordListId}/negativeKeywords:replace

      HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Replaces all negative keywords in a single negative keyword list. The operation will replace the keywords in a negative keyword list with keywords provided in ReplaceNegativeKeywordsRequest.new_negative_keywords.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.negativeKeywordLists.negativeKeywords.list

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by negative keyword fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for negative keyword currently can only contain at most one * restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `keywordValue` Examples: * All negative keywords for which the keyword value contains "google": `keywordValue : "google"`


          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 advertiser to which the parent negative keyword list belongs.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the parent negative keyword list to which the requested negative keywords belong.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `keywordValue` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `keywordValue desc`.


          Type : integer

          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `1000`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListNegativeKeywords` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • negativeKeywordListId
    • Description : Lists negative keywords in a negative keyword list.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/negativeKeywordLists/{+negativeKeywordListId}/negativeKeywords

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/negativeKeywordLists/{negativeKeywordListsId}/negativeKeywords

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.manualTriggers.list

      Description : Lists manual triggers that are accessible to the current user for a given advertiser ID. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. A single advertiser_id is required.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/manualTriggers

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/manualTriggers

      Parameters :


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListManualTriggers` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by manual trigger properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `displayName` - `state` Examples: * All active manual triggers under an advertiser: `state="ACTIVE"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string


          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`.

          Type : integer

          Location : query


          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser that the fetched manual triggers belong to.

          Location : path


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `state` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. For example, `displayName desc`.

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.advertisers.manualTriggers.patch

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • triggerId
    • Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Location : query


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the manual trigger.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the advertiser that the manual trigger belongs to.

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/manualTriggers/{manualTriggersId}

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/manualTriggers/{+triggerId}

      Description : Updates a manual trigger. Returns the updated manual trigger if successful.

  • displayvideo.advertisers.manualTriggers.activate

      Description : Activates a manual trigger. Each activation of the manual trigger must be at least 5 minutes apart, otherwise an error will be returned.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • triggerId
    • Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/manualTriggers/{+triggerId}:activate

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/manualTriggers/{manualTriggersId}:activate

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the manual trigger to activate.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path


          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser that the manual trigger belongs.

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

      HTTP Method : POST

  • displayvideo.advertisers.manualTriggers.deactivate

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • triggerId
    • HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Deactivates a manual trigger.

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/manualTriggers/{manualTriggersId}:deactivate

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/manualTriggers/{+triggerId}:deactivate

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser that the manual trigger belongs.

          Format : int64

          Location : path


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the manual trigger to deactivate.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

  • displayvideo.advertisers.manualTriggers.create

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/manualTriggers

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Creates a new manual trigger. Returns the newly created manual trigger if successful.

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. Immutable. The unique ID of the advertiser that the manual trigger belongs to.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order : advertiserId

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/manualTriggers

      HTTP Method : POST

  • displayvideo.advertisers.manualTriggers.get

      Path : v2/advertisers/{+advertiserId}/manualTriggers/{+triggerId}

      Parameter Order :

    • advertiserId
    • triggerId
    • Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the manual trigger to fetch.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Required : Yes


          Description : Required. The ID of the advertiser this manual trigger belongs to.

          Required : Yes

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Description : Gets a manual trigger.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/advertisers/{advertisersId}/manualTriggers/{manualTriggersId}

  • displayvideo.customLists.list

      Path : v2/customLists

      Flat Path : v2/customLists

      Description : Lists custom lists. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the DV360 advertiser that has access to the fetched custom lists.

          Location : query

          Format : int64


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `customListId` (default) * `displayName` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Type : string


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListCustomLists` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Type : integer

          Format : int32

          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.


          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by custom list fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for custom lists currently can only contain at most one restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `displayName` Examples: * All custom lists for which the display name contains "Google": `displayName : "Google"`. The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.customLists.get

      Path : v2/customLists/{+customListId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The ID of the custom list to fetch.


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the DV360 advertiser that has access to the fetched custom lists.

      Flat Path : v2/customLists/{customListsId}

      Parameter Order : customListId

      Description : Gets a custom list.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.floodlightGroups.get

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : floodlightGroupId

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The partner context by which the Floodlight group is being accessed.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the Floodlight group to fetch.

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Path : v2/floodlightGroups/{+floodlightGroupId}

      Description : Gets a Floodlight group.

      Flat Path : v2/floodlightGroups/{floodlightGroupsId}

  • displayvideo.floodlightGroups.patch

      Flat Path : v2/floodlightGroups/{floodlightGroupId}

      Parameters :


          Format : google-fieldmask

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Location : query


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the Floodlight group. Assigned by the system.


          Description : Required. The partner context by which the Floodlight group is being accessed.

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : int64

      Parameter Order : floodlightGroupId

      Description : Updates an existing Floodlight group. Returns the updated Floodlight group if successful.

      Path : v2/floodlightGroups/{floodlightGroupId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : PATCH

  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.get

      Parameter Order : customBiddingAlgorithmId

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the custom bidding algorithm to fetch.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the DV360 partner that has access to the custom bidding algorithm.

          Format : int64


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the DV360 partner that has access to the custom bidding algorithm.

      Description : Gets a custom bidding algorithm.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{customBiddingAlgorithmsId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{+customBiddingAlgorithmId}

  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.create

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms

      Description : Creates a new custom bidding algorithm. Returns the newly created custom bidding algorithm if successful.

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms

      HTTP Method : POST

  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.uploadScript

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : customBiddingAlgorithmId

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the custom bidding algorithm owns the script.

          Required : Yes


          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm.

          Location : query

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm. Only this partner will have write access to this custom bidding script.

          Type : string

      Description : Creates a custom bidding script reference object for a script file. The resulting reference object provides a resource path to which the script file should be uploaded. This reference object should be included in when creating a new custom bidding script object.

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{+customBiddingAlgorithmId}:uploadScript

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{customBiddingAlgorithmsId}:uploadScript

  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.patch

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{+customBiddingAlgorithmId}

      Description : Updates an existing custom bidding algorithm. Returns the updated custom bidding algorithm if successful.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{customBiddingAlgorithmsId}

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Parameter Order : customBiddingAlgorithmId

      Parameters :


          Format : google-fieldmask

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Location : query


          Location : path

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the custom bidding algorithm. Assigned by the system.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.list

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by custom bidding algorithm fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND`. A sequence of restrictions * implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)` or `EQUALS (=)`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)` for the following field: - `displayName` * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)` for the following field: - `customBiddingAlgorithmType` * For `displayName`, the value is a string. We return all custom bidding algorithms whose display_name contains such string. * For `customBiddingAlgorithmType`, the value is a string. We return all algorithms whose custom_bidding_algorithm_type is equal to the given type. Examples: * All custom bidding algorithms for which the display name contains "politics": `displayName:politics`. * All custom bidding algorithms for which the type is "SCRIPT_BASED": `customBiddingAlgorithmType=SCRIPT_BASED` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.


          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListCustomBiddingAlgorithms` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the DV360 advertiser that has access to the custom bidding algorithm.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the DV360 partner that has access to the custom bidding algorithm.

          Format : int64

          Type : string

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Lists custom bidding algorithms that are accessible to the current user and can be used in bidding stratgies. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.scripts.create

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{customBiddingAlgorithmsId}/scripts

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{+customBiddingAlgorithmId}/scripts

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm.


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm. Only this partner will have write access to this custom bidding script.


          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the custom bidding algorithm that owns the script.

          Format : int64

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Creates a new custom bidding script. Returns the newly created script if successful.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameter Order : customBiddingAlgorithmId

  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.scripts.get

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the custom bidding algorithm owns the script.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the custom bidding script to fetch.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm.

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm. Only this partner will have write access to this custom bidding script.

          Location : query

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{+customBiddingAlgorithmId}/scripts/{+customBiddingScriptId}

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{customBiddingAlgorithmsId}/scripts/{scriptsId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Gets a custom bidding script.

      Parameter Order :

    • customBiddingAlgorithmId
    • customBiddingScriptId
  • displayvideo.customBiddingAlgorithms.scripts.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : customBiddingAlgorithmId

      Flat Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{customBiddingAlgorithmsId}/scripts

      Description : Lists custom bidding scripts that belong to the given algorithm. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

      Path : v2/customBiddingAlgorithms/{+customBiddingAlgorithmId}/scripts

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `createTime desc` (default) The default sorting order is descending. To specify ascending order for a field, the suffix "desc" should be removed. Example: `createTime`.

          Type : string


          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Location : query

          Type : integer


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm.

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : int64


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent custom bidding algorithm. Only this partner will have write access to this custom bidding script.

          Format : int64


          Description : Required. The ID of the custom bidding algorithm owns the script.

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListCustomBiddingScripts` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query

  • displayvideo.googleAudiences.get

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the Google audience to fetch.

          Required : Yes

          Location : path


          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the fetched Google audience.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the fetched Google audience.

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : int64

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/googleAudiences/{googleAudiencesId}

      Description : Gets a Google audience.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : googleAudienceId

      Path : v2/googleAudiences/{+googleAudienceId}

  • displayvideo.googleAudiences.list

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the fetched Google audiences.


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListGoogleAudiences` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the fetched Google audiences.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Description : Allows filtering by Google audience fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions for Google audiences currently can only contain at most one restriction. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)`. * Supported fields: - `displayName` Examples: * All Google audiences for which the display name contains "Google": `displayName : "Google"`. The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `googleAudienceId` (default) * `displayName` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `displayName desc`.

          Location : query

      Description : Lists Google audiences. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

      Flat Path : v2/googleAudiences

      Path : v2/googleAudiences

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

  • displayvideo.guaranteedOrders.list

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameters :


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified or greater than `100` will default to `100`.

          Format : int32

          Type : integer

          Location : query


          Description : Allows filtering by guaranteed order properties. * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `guaranteed_order_id` - `exchange` - `display_name` - `status.entityStatus` Examples: * All active guaranteed orders: `status.entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE"` * Guaranteed orders belonging to Google Ad Manager or Rubicon exchanges: `exchange="EXCHANGE_GOOGLE_AD_MANAGER" OR exchange="EXCHANGE_RUBICON"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the guaranteed order.

          Format : int64

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListGuaranteedOrders` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Location : query


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the guaranteed order.

          Location : query


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. For example, `displayName desc`.

          Type : string

          Location : query

      Flat Path : v2/guaranteedOrders

      Description : Lists guaranteed orders that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, guaranteed orders with entity status `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.

      Path : v2/guaranteedOrders

  • displayvideo.guaranteedOrders.get

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v2/guaranteedOrders/{+guaranteedOrderId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Gets a guaranteed order.

      Flat Path : v2/guaranteedOrders/{guaranteedOrdersId}

      Parameter Order : guaranteedOrderId

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the guaranteed order to fetch. The ID is of the format `{exchange}-{legacy_guaranteed_order_id}`

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Required : Yes


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the guaranteed order.

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the guaranteed order.

  • displayvideo.guaranteedOrders.create

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameters :


          Description : The ID of the partner that the request is being made within.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that the request is being made within.

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : int64

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/guaranteedOrders

      Description : Creates a new guaranteed order. Returns the newly created guaranteed order if successful.

      Path : v2/guaranteedOrders

  • displayvideo.guaranteedOrders.editGuaranteedOrderReadAccessors

      Path : v2/guaranteedOrders/{+guaranteedOrderId}:editGuaranteedOrderReadAccessors

      HTTP Method : POST

      Flat Path : v2/guaranteedOrders/{guaranteedOrdersId}:editGuaranteedOrderReadAccessors

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the guaranteed order to edit. The ID is of the format `{exchange}-{legacy_guaranteed_order_id}`

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order : guaranteedOrderId

      Description : Edits read advertisers of a guaranteed order.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.guaranteedOrders.patch

      Flat Path : v2/guaranteedOrders/{guaranteedOrdersId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask


          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that the request is being made within.

          Format : int64

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Description : Output only. The unique identifier of the guaranteed order. The guaranteed order IDs have the format `{exchange}-{legacy_guaranteed_order_id}`.

          Required : Yes


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that the request is being made within.

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : int64

      Parameter Order : guaranteedOrderId

      Path : v2/guaranteedOrders/{+guaranteedOrderId}

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Description : Updates an existing guaranteed order. Returns the updated guaranteed order if successful.

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.assignedInventorySources.list

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceGroupId

      Description : Lists inventory sources assigned to an inventory source group.

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the assignment. If the parent inventory source group is advertiser-owned, the assignment cannot be accessed via a partner.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `assignedInventorySourceId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `assignedInventorySourceId desc`.

          Type : string


          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the assignment. If the parent inventory source group is partner-owned, only advertisers to which the parent group is explicitly shared can access the assigned inventory source.

          Type : string


          Format : int32

          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListAssignedInventorySources` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the inventory source group to which these assignments are assigned.

          Required : Yes

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by assigned inventory source fields. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `assignedInventorySourceId` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{+inventorySourceGroupId}/assignedInventorySources

      HTTP Method : GET

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupsId}/assignedInventorySources

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.assignedInventorySources.create

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceGroupId

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Creates an assignment between an inventory source and an inventory source group.

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the inventory source group to which the assignment will be assigned.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Required : Yes


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent inventory source group. The parent partner will not have access to this assigned inventory source.


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent inventory source group. Only this partner will have write access to this assigned inventory source.

          Type : string

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupsId}/assignedInventorySources

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{+inventorySourceGroupId}/assignedInventorySources

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.assignedInventorySources.bulkEdit

      Description : Bulk edits multiple assignments between inventory sources and a single inventory source group. The operation will delete the assigned inventory sources provided in BulkEditAssignedInventorySourcesRequest.deleted_assigned_inventory_sources and then create the assigned inventory sources provided in BulkEditAssignedInventorySourcesRequest.created_assigned_inventory_sources.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{+inventorySourceGroupId}/assignedInventorySources:bulkEdit

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupsId}/assignedInventorySources:bulkEdit

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the inventory source group to which the assignments are assigned.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceGroupId

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.assignedInventorySources.delete

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the parent inventory source group. Only this partner has write access to this assigned inventory source.

          Type : string


          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the assigned inventory source to delete.


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the inventory source group to which this assignment is assigned.


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the parent inventory source group. The parent partner does not have access to this assigned inventory source.

          Format : int64

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{+inventorySourceGroupId}/assignedInventorySources/{+assignedInventorySourceId}

      Description : Deletes the assignment between an inventory source and an inventory source group.

      Parameter Order :

    • inventorySourceGroupId
    • assignedInventorySourceId
    • Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupsId}/assignedInventorySources/{assignedInventorySourcesId}

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.delete

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{+inventorySourceGroupId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupsId}

      Description : Deletes an inventory source group.

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the inventory source group. The parent partner does not have access to this group.

          Format : int64


          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the inventory source group. Only this partner has write access to this group.

          Location : query

          Format : int64


          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of the inventory source group to delete.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceGroupId

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.create

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the inventory source group. The parent partner will not have access to this group.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the inventory source group. Only this partner will have write access to this group. Only advertisers to which this group is explicitly shared will have read access to this group.

          Format : int64

      Description : Creates a new inventory source group. Returns the newly created inventory source group if successful.

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.patch

      Description : Updates an inventory source group. Returns the updated inventory source group if successful.

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupId}

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceGroupId

      Parameters :


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that owns the inventory source group. The parent partner does not have access to this group.

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : int64


          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that owns the inventory source group. Only this partner has write access to this group.

          Format : int64

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.


          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Format : int64

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the inventory source group. Assigned by the system.

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.list

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Lists inventory source groups that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListInventorySources` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the inventory source group. A partner cannot access advertiser-owned inventory source groups.


          Location : query

          Description : Allows filtering by inventory source group properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `OR`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `inventorySourceGroupId` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the inventory source group. If an inventory source group is partner-owned, only advertisers to which the group is explicitly shared can access the group.


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) * `inventorySourceGroupId` The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. For example, `displayName desc`.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Type : integer

          Format : int32

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`.

          Location : query

  • displayvideo.inventorySourceGroups.get

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Gets an inventory source group.

      Parameters :


          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the inventory source group. A partner cannot access an advertiser-owned inventory source group.

          Location : query

          Type : string

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the inventory source group. If an inventory source group is partner-owned, only advertisers to which the group is explicitly shared can access the group.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the inventory source group to fetch.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{inventorySourceGroupsId}

      Path : v2/inventorySourceGroups/{+inventorySourceGroupId}

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceGroupId

  • displayvideo.inventorySources.get

      Path : v2/inventorySources/{+inventorySourceId}

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySources/{inventorySourcesId}

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The ID of the DV360 partner to which the fetched inventory source is permissioned.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : query


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the inventory source to fetch.

          Location : path

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Gets an inventory source.

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceId

  • displayvideo.inventorySources.editInventorySourceReadWriteAccessors

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySources/{inventorySourcesId}:editInventorySourceReadWriteAccessors

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceId

      Path : v2/inventorySources/{+inventorySourceId}:editInventorySourceReadWriteAccessors

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The ID of inventory source to update.

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Format : int64

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Edits read/write accessors of an inventory source. Returns the updated read_write_accessors for the inventory source.

  • displayvideo.inventorySources.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Path : v2/inventorySources

      Parameters :


          Description : The ID of the advertiser that has access to the inventory source.

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`.

          Format : int32

          Type : integer


          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by inventory source properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `AND` or `OR` logical operators. A sequence of restrictions implicitly uses `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)`. * Supported fields: - `status.entityStatus` - `commitment` - `deliveryMethod` - `rateDetails.rateType` - `exchange` Examples: * All active inventory sources: `status.entityStatus="ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE"` * Inventory sources belonging to Google Ad Manager or Rubicon exchanges: `exchange="EXCHANGE_GOOGLE_AD_MANAGER" OR exchange="EXCHANGE_RUBICON"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Location : query


          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListInventorySources` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. For example, `displayName desc`.


          Description : The ID of the partner that has access to the inventory source.

          Format : int64

          Location : query

          Type : string

      Description : Lists inventory sources that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, inventory sources with entity status `ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED` will not be included in the results.

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySources

  • displayvideo.inventorySources.create

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that the request is being made within.


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Format : int64

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that the request is being made within.

      HTTP Method : POST

      Path : v2/inventorySources

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySources

      Description : Creates a new inventory source. Returns the newly created inventory source if successful.

  • displayvideo.inventorySources.patch

      Description : Updates an existing inventory source. Returns the updated inventory source if successful.

      Flat Path : v2/inventorySources/{inventorySourcesId}

      Path : v2/inventorySources/{+inventorySourceId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the inventory source. Assigned by the system.

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Format : int64


          Format : int64

          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the partner that the request is being made within.


          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Location : query

          Description : The ID of the advertiser that the request is being made within.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

      Parameter Order : inventorySourceId

  • displayvideo.targetingTypes.targetingOptions.search

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameters :


          Enum :

        • Description : Required. The type of targeting options to retrieve. Accepted values are: * `TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION` * `TARGETING_TYPE_POI` * `TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN`

          Required : Yes

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path

      Description : Searches for targeting options of a given type based on the given search terms.

      Path : v2/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/targetingOptions:search

      Parameter Order : targetingType

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/targetingOptions:search

  • displayvideo.targetingTypes.targetingOptions.get

      Description : Gets a single targeting option.

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The Advertiser this request is being made in the context of.

          Format : int64


          Type : string

          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Enum :

        • Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Location : path



          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The ID of the of targeting option to retrieve.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order :

    • targetingType
    • targetingOptionId
    • Path : v2/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/targetingOptions/{+targetingOptionId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Flat Path : v2/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/targetingOptions/{targetingOptionsId}

  • displayvideo.targetingTypes.targetingOptions.list

      Path : v2/targetingTypes/{+targetingType}/targetingOptions

      Flat Path : v2/targetingTypes/{targetingTypesId}/targetingOptions

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Description : Required. The Advertiser this request is being made in the context of.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`. Returns error code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if an invalid value is specified.

          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Format : int32


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListTargetingOptions` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `targetingOptionId` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. Example: `targetingOptionId desc`.


          Description : Allows filtering by targeting option properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by `OR` logical operators. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be "=" (equal sign). * Supported fields: - `carrierAndIspDetails.type` - `geoRegionDetails.geoRegionType` - `targetingOptionId` Examples: * All `GEO REGION` targeting options that belong to sub type `GEO_REGION_TYPE_COUNTRY` or `GEO_REGION_TYPE_STATE`: `geoRegionDetails.geoRegionType="GEO_REGION_TYPE_COUNTRY" OR geoRegionDetails.geoRegionType="GEO_REGION_TYPE_STATE"` * All `CARRIER AND ISP` targeting options that belong to sub type `CARRIER_AND_ISP_TYPE_CARRIER`: `carrierAndIspDetails.type="CARRIER_AND_ISP_TYPE_CARRIER"`. The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

          Type : string

          Location : query


          Enum Descriptions :

        • Default value when type is not specified or is unknown in this version.
        • Target a channel (a custom group of related websites or apps).
        • Target an app category (for example, education or puzzle games).
        • Target a specific app (for example, Angry Birds).
        • Target a specific url (for example, quora.com).
        • Target ads during a chosen time period on a specific day.
        • Target ads to a specific age range (for example, 18-24).
        • Target ads to the specified regions on a regional location list.
        • Target ads to the specified points of interest on a proximity location list.
        • Target ads to a specific gender (for example, female or male).
        • Target a specific video player size for video ads.
        • Target user rewarded content for video ads.
        • Target ads to a specific parental status (for example, parent or not a parent).
        • Target video or audio ads in a specific content instream position (for example, pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
        • Target ads in a specific content outstream position.
        • Target ads to a specific device type (for example, tablet or connected TV).
        • Target ads to an audience or groups of audiences. Singleton field, at most one can exist on a single Lineitem at a time.
        • Target ads to specific web browsers (for example, Chrome).
        • Target ads to a specific household income range (for example, top 10%).
        • Target ads in a specific on screen position.
        • Filter web sites through third party verification (for example, IAS or DoubleVerify).
        • Filter web sites by specific digital content label ratings (for example, DL-MA: suitable only for mature audiences).
        • Filter website content by sensitive categories (for example, adult).
        • Target ads to a specific environment (for example, web or app).
        • Target ads to a specific network carrier or internet service provider (ISP) (for example, Comcast or Orange).
        • Target ads to a specific operating system (for example, macOS).
        • Target ads to a specific device make or model (for example, Roku or Samsung).
        • Target ads to a specific keyword (for example, dog or retriever).
        • Target ads to a specific negative keyword list.
        • Target ads to a specific viewability (for example, 80% viewable).
        • Target ads to a specific content category (for example, arts & entertainment).
        • Purchase impressions from specific deals and auction packages.
        • Target ads to a specific language (for example, English or Japanese).
        • Target ads to ads.txt authorized sellers.
        • Target ads to a specific regional location (for example, a city or state).
        • Purchase impressions from a group of deals and auction packages.
        • Purchase impressions from specific exchanges.
        • Purchase impressions from specific sub-exchanges.
        • Target ads around a specific point of interest, such as a notable building, a street address, or latitude/longitude coordinates.
        • Target ads around locations of a business chain within a specific geo region.
        • Target ads to a specific video content duration.
        • Target ads to a specific video content stream type.
        • Target ads to a specific native content position.
        • Target ads in an Open Measurement enabled inventory.
        • Target ads to a specific audio content type.
        • Target ads to a specific content genre.
        • Enum :

        • Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$


          Location : path

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : targetingType

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video

      Description : Lists targeting options of a given type.

  • displayvideo.users.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Lists users that are accessible to the current user. If two users have user roles on the same partner or advertiser, they can access each other.

      Flat Path : v2/users

      Path : v2/users

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-user-management

      Parameters :


          Description : Field by which to sort the list. Acceptable values are: * `displayName` (default) The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix "desc" should be added to the field name. For example, `displayName desc`.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Description : Requested page size. Must be between `1` and `100`. If unspecified will default to `100`.

          Format : int32


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, this is the value of next_page_token returned from the previous call to `ListUsers` method. If not specified, the first page of results will be returned.


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Allows filtering by user properties. Supported syntax: * Filter expressions are made up of one or more restrictions. * Restrictions can be combined by the logical operator `AND`. * A restriction has the form of `{field} {operator} {value}`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)` or `EQUALS (=)`. * The operator must be `CONTAINS (:)` for the following fields: - `displayName` - `email` * The operator must be `EQUALS (=)` for the following fields: - `assignedUserRole.userRole` - `assignedUserRole.partnerId` - `assignedUserRole.advertiserId` - `assignedUserRole.entityType`: A synthetic field of AssignedUserRole used for filtering. Identifies the type of entity to which the user role is assigned. Valid values are `Partner` and `Advertiser`. - `assignedUserRole.parentPartnerId`: A synthetic field of AssignedUserRole used for filtering. Identifies the parent partner of the entity to which the user role is assigned." Examples: * The user with displayName containing `foo`: `displayName:"foo"` * The user with email containing `bar`: `email:"bar"` * All users with standard user roles: `assignedUserRole.userRole="STANDARD"` * All users with user roles for partner 123: `assignedUserRole.partnerId="123"` * All users with user roles for advertiser 123: `assignedUserRole.advertiserId="123"` * All users with partner level user roles: `entityType="PARTNER"` * All users with user roles for partner 123 and advertisers under partner 123: `parentPartnerId="123"` The length of this field should be no more than 500 characters.

  • displayvideo.users.bulkEditAssignedUserRoles

      Flat Path : v2/users/{usersId}:bulkEditAssignedUserRoles

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-user-management

      Parameter Order : userId

      HTTP Method : POST

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the user to which the assigned user roles belong.

          Required : Yes

      Description : Bulk edits user roles for a user. The operation will delete the assigned user roles provided in BulkEditAssignedUserRolesRequest.deletedAssignedUserRoles and then assign the user roles provided in BulkEditAssignedUserRolesRequest.createdAssignedUserRoles.

      Path : v2/users/{+userId}:bulkEditAssignedUserRoles

  • displayvideo.users.patch

      Description : Updates an existing user. Returns the updated user if successful.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-user-management

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Description : Required. The mask to control which fields to update.

          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask


          Description : Output only. The unique ID of the user. Assigned by the system.

          Type : string

          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Path : v2/users/{+userId}

      Flat Path : v2/users/{usersId}

      HTTP Method : PATCH

      Parameter Order : userId

  • displayvideo.users.get

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The ID of the user to fetch.

          Type : string

      Flat Path : v2/users/{usersId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Gets a user.

      Parameter Order : userId

      Path : v2/users/{+userId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-user-management

  • displayvideo.users.create

  • displayvideo.users.delete

      Description : Deletes a user.

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Path : v2/users/{+userId}

      Flat Path : v2/users/{usersId}

      Parameters :


          Format : int64

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The ID of the user to delete.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^[^/]+$

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video-user-management

      Parameter Order : userId

  • displayvideo.sdfdownloadtasks.create

      Path : v2/sdfdownloadtasks

      Description : Creates an SDF Download Task. Returns an Operation. An SDF Download Task is a long-running, asynchronous operation. The metadata type of this operation is SdfDownloadTaskMetadata. If the request is successful, the response type of the operation is SdfDownloadTask. The response will not include the download files, which must be retrieved with media.download. The state of operation can be retrieved with sdfdownloadtask.operations.get. Any errors can be found in the error.message. Note that error.details is expected to be empty.

      Flat Path : v2/sdfdownloadtasks

      HTTP Method : POST

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video