Cloud Spanner API (spanner:v1)


4 new methods


  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigOperations.list

      Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigOperations

      Parameters :


          Type : integer

          Location : query

          Format : int32

          Description : Number of operations to be returned in the response. If 0 or less, defaults to the server's maximum allowed page size.


          Description : If non-empty, `page_token` should contain a next_page_token from a previous ListInstanceConfigOperationsResponse to the same `parent` and with the same `filter`.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The project of the instance config operations. Values are of the form `projects/`.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+$

          Location : path


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : An expression that filters the list of returned operations. A filter expression consists of a field name, a comparison operator, and a value for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be one of: `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, `!=`, `=`, or `:`. Colon `:` is the contains operator. Filter rules are not case sensitive. The following fields in the Operation are eligible for filtering: * `name` - The name of the long-running operation * `done` - False if the operation is in progress, else true. * `metadata.@type` - the type of metadata. For example, the type string for CreateInstanceConfigMetadata is ``. * `metadata.` - any field in metadata.value. `metadata.@type` must be specified first, if filtering on metadata fields. * `error` - Error associated with the long-running operation. * `response.@type` - the type of response. * `response.` - any field in response.value. You can combine multiple expressions by enclosing each expression in parentheses. By default, expressions are combined with AND logic. However, you can specify AND, OR, and NOT logic explicitly. Here are a few examples: * `done:true` - The operation is complete. * `(metadata.@type=` \ ` AND` \ `( AND` \ `(metadata.progress.start_time < \"2021-03-28T14:50:00Z\") AND` \ `(error:*)` - Return operations where: * The operation's metadata type is CreateInstanceConfigMetadata. * The instance config name contains "custom-config". * The operation started before 2021-03-28T14:50:00Z. * The operation resulted in an error.

      Path : v1/{+parent}/instanceConfigOperations

      Parameter Order : parent

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Lists the user-managed instance config long-running operations in the given project. An instance config operation has a name of the form `projects//instanceConfigs//operations/`. The long-running operation metadata field type `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by `operation.metadata.value.start_time` in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

      Scopes :

  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigs.delete

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The name of the instance configuration to be deleted. Values are of the form `projects//instanceConfigs/`

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/instanceConfigs/[^/]+$


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : Used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous deletes of an instance config from overwriting each other. If not empty, the API only deletes the instance config when the etag provided matches the current status of the requested instance config. Otherwise, deletes the instance config without checking the current status of the requested instance config.


          Location : query

          Description : An option to validate, but not actually execute, a request, and provide the same response.

          Type : boolean

      Scopes :

    • Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigs/{instanceConfigsId}

      Description : Deletes the instance config. Deletion is only allowed when no instances are using the configuration. If any instances are using the config, returns `FAILED_PRECONDITION`. Only user managed configurations can be deleted. Authorization requires `spanner.instanceConfigs.delete` permission on the resource name.

      Parameter Order : name

      Path : v1/{+name}

      HTTP Method : DELETE

  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigs.create

      Description : Creates an instance config and begins preparing it to be used. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of preparing the new instance config. The instance config name is assigned by the caller. If the named instance config already exists, `CreateInstanceConfig` returns `ALREADY_EXISTS`. Immediately after the request returns: * The instance config is readable via the API, with all requested attributes. The instance config's reconciling field is set to true. Its state is `CREATING`. While the operation is pending: * Cancelling the operation renders the instance config immediately unreadable via the API. * Except for deleting the creating resource, all other attempts to modify the instance config are rejected. Upon completion of the returned operation: * Instances can be created using the instance configuration. * The instance config's reconciling field becomes false. Its state becomes `READY`. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format `/operations/` and can be used to track creation of the instance config. The metadata field type is CreateInstanceConfigMetadata. The response field type is InstanceConfig, if successful. Authorization requires `spanner.instanceConfigs.create` permission on the resource parent.

      Parameter Order : parent

      Parameters :


          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The name of the project in which to create the instance config. Values are of the form `projects/`.

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+$

          Location : path

          Type : string

      Path : v1/{+parent}/instanceConfigs

      Scopes :

    • Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigs

      HTTP Method : POST

  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigs.patch

      Description : Updates an instance config. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of updating the instance. If the named instance config does not exist, returns `NOT_FOUND`. Only user managed configurations can be updated. Immediately after the request returns: * The instance config's reconciling field is set to true. While the operation is pending: * Cancelling the operation sets its metadata's cancel_time. The operation is guaranteed to succeed at undoing all changes, after which point it terminates with a `CANCELLED` status. * All other attempts to modify the instance config are rejected. * Reading the instance config via the API continues to give the pre-request values. Upon completion of the returned operation: * Creating instances using the instance configuration uses the new values. * The instance config's new values are readable via the API. * The instance config's reconciling field becomes false. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format `/operations/` and can be used to track the instance config modification. The metadata field type is UpdateInstanceConfigMetadata. The response field type is InstanceConfig, if successful. Authorization requires `spanner.instanceConfigs.update` permission on the resource name.

      Path : v1/{+name}

      Scopes :

    • HTTP Method : PATCH

      Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigs/{instanceConfigsId}

      Parameter Order : name

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Required : Yes

          Description : A unique identifier for the instance configuration. Values are of the form `projects//instanceConfigs/a-z*`.

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/instanceConfigs/[^/]+$

4 removed methods


  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigs.delete

      HTTP Method : DELETE

      Scopes :

    • Description : Deletes the instance config. Deletion is only allowed when no instances are using the configuration. If any instances are using the config, returns `FAILED_PRECONDITION`. Only user managed configurations can be deleted. Authorization requires `spanner.instanceConfigs.delete` permission on the resource name.

      Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigs/{instanceConfigsId}

      Parameters :


          Description : Used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous deletes of an instance config from overwriting each other. If not empty, the API only deletes the instance config when the etag provided matches the current status of the requested instance config. Otherwise, deletes the instance config without checking the current status of the requested instance config.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Description : An option to validate, but not actually execute, a request, and provide the same response.

          Location : query

          Type : boolean


          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/instanceConfigs/[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The name of the instance configuration to be deleted. Values are of the form `projects//instanceConfigs/`

          Location : path

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

      Parameter Order : name

      Path : v1/{+name}

  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigs.patch

      Parameter Order : name

      Description : Updates an instance config. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of updating the instance. If the named instance config does not exist, returns `NOT_FOUND`. Only user managed configurations can be updated. Immediately after the request returns: * The instance config's reconciling field is set to true. While the operation is pending: * Cancelling the operation sets its metadata's cancel_time. The operation is guaranteed to succeed at undoing all changes, after which point it terminates with a `CANCELLED` status. * All other attempts to modify the instance config are rejected. * Reading the instance config via the API continues to give the pre-request values. Upon completion of the returned operation: * Creating instances using the instance configuration uses the new values. * The instance config's new values are readable via the API. * The instance config's reconciling field becomes false. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format `/operations/` and can be used to track the instance config modification. The metadata field type is UpdateInstanceConfigMetadata. The response field type is InstanceConfig, if successful. Authorization requires `spanner.instanceConfigs.update` permission on the resource name.

      Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigs/{instanceConfigsId}

      Scopes :

    • Path : v1/{+name}

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/instanceConfigs/[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : A unique identifier for the instance configuration. Values are of the form `projects//instanceConfigs/a-z*`.

          Type : string

      HTTP Method : PATCH

  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigs.create

      Scopes :

    • Parameters :


          Description : Required. The name of the project in which to create the instance config. Values are of the form `projects/`.

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

      Description : Creates an instance config and begins preparing it to be used. The returned long-running operation can be used to track the progress of preparing the new instance config. The instance config name is assigned by the caller. If the named instance config already exists, `CreateInstanceConfig` returns `ALREADY_EXISTS`. Immediately after the request returns: * The instance config is readable via the API, with all requested attributes. The instance config's reconciling field is set to true. Its state is `CREATING`. While the operation is pending: * Cancelling the operation renders the instance config immediately unreadable via the API. * Except for deleting the creating resource, all other attempts to modify the instance config are rejected. Upon completion of the returned operation: * Instances can be created using the instance configuration. * The instance config's reconciling field becomes false. Its state becomes `READY`. The returned long-running operation will have a name of the format `/operations/` and can be used to track creation of the instance config. The metadata field type is CreateInstanceConfigMetadata. The response field type is InstanceConfig, if successful. Authorization requires `spanner.instanceConfigs.create` permission on the resource parent.

      Parameter Order : parent

      Path : v1/{+parent}/instanceConfigs

      Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigs

      HTTP Method : POST

  • spanner.projects.instanceConfigOperations.list

      Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/instanceConfigOperations

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v1/{+parent}/instanceConfigOperations

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The project of the instance config operations. Values are of the form `projects/`.

          Location : path


          Description : An expression that filters the list of returned operations. A filter expression consists of a field name, a comparison operator, and a value for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be one of: `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, `!=`, `=`, or `:`. Colon `:` is the contains operator. Filter rules are not case sensitive. The following fields in the Operation are eligible for filtering: * `name` - The name of the long-running operation * `done` - False if the operation is in progress, else true. * `metadata.@type` - the type of metadata. For example, the type string for CreateInstanceConfigMetadata is ``. * `metadata.` - any field in metadata.value. `metadata.@type` must be specified first, if filtering on metadata fields. * `error` - Error associated with the long-running operation. * `response.@type` - the type of response. * `response.` - any field in response.value. You can combine multiple expressions by enclosing each expression in parentheses. By default, expressions are combined with AND logic. However, you can specify AND, OR, and NOT logic explicitly. Here are a few examples: * `done:true` - The operation is complete. * `(metadata.@type=` \ ` AND` \ `( AND` \ `(metadata.progress.start_time < \"2021-03-28T14:50:00Z\") AND` \ `(error:*)` - Return operations where: * The operation's metadata type is CreateInstanceConfigMetadata. * The instance config name contains "custom-config". * The operation started before 2021-03-28T14:50:00Z. * The operation resulted in an error.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : If non-empty, `page_token` should contain a next_page_token from a previous ListInstanceConfigOperationsResponse to the same `parent` and with the same `filter`.


          Location : query

          Description : Number of operations to be returned in the response. If 0 or less, defaults to the server's maximum allowed page size.

          Type : integer

          Format : int32

      Scopes :

    • Description : Lists the user-managed instance config long-running operations in the given project. An instance config operation has a name of the form `projects//instanceConfigs//operations/`. The long-running operation metadata field type `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata. Operations returned include those that have completed/failed/canceled within the last 7 days, and pending operations. Operations returned are ordered by `operation.metadata.value.start_time` in descending order starting from the most recently started operation.

      Parameter Order : parent