Cloud Monitoring API (monitoring:v3)


4 new methods


  • monitoring.projects.snoozes.create

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The project ( in which a Snooze should be created. The format is: projects/[PROJECT_ID_OR_NUMBER]

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Location : path

      Parameter Order : parent

      Path : v3/{+parent}/snoozes

      Scopes :

    • Flat Path : v3/projects/{projectsId}/snoozes

      Description : Creates a Snooze that will prevent alerts, which match the provided criteria, from being opened. The Snooze applies for a specific time interval.

      HTTP Method : POST

  • monitoring.projects.snoozes.list

      Flat Path : v3/projects/{projectsId}/snoozes

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The project ( whose Snoozes should be listed. The format is: projects/[PROJECT_ID_OR_NUMBER]

          Type : string


          Description : Optional. The maximum number of results to return for a single query. The server may further constrain the maximum number of results returned in a single page. The value should be in the range 1, 1000. If the value given is outside this range, the server will decide the number of results to be returned.

          Location : query

          Type : integer

          Format : int32


          Location : query

          Description : Optional. Optional filter to restrict results to the given criteria. The following fields are supported. interval.start_time interval.end_timeFor example: ``` interval.start_time > "2022-03-11T00:00:00-08:00" AND interval.end_time < "2022-03-12T00:00:00-08:00" ```

          Type : string


          Type : string

          Location : query

          Description : Optional. The next_page_token from a previous call to ListSnoozesRequest to get the next page of results.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v3/{+parent}/snoozes

      Description : Lists the Snoozes associated with a project. Can optionally pass in filter, which specifies predicates to match Snoozes.

      Scopes :

    • Parameter Order : parent

  • monitoring.projects.snoozes.get

  • monitoring.projects.snoozes.patch

      Parameter Order : name

      Description : Updates a Snooze, identified by its name, with the parameters in the given Snooze object.

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Format : google-fieldmask

          Description : Required. The fields to update.For each field listed in update_mask: If the Snooze object supplied in the UpdateSnoozeRequest has a value for that field, the value of the field in the existing Snooze will be set to the value of the field in the supplied Snooze. If the field does not have a value in the supplied Snooze, the field in the existing Snooze is set to its default value.Fields not listed retain their existing value.The following are the field names that are accepted in update_mask: display_name interval.start_time interval.end_timeThat said, the start time and end time of the Snooze determines which fields can legally be updated. Before attempting an update, users should consult the documentation for UpdateSnoozeRequest, which talks about which fields can be updated.

          Location : query


          Description : Required. The name of the Snooze. The format is: projects/[PROJECT_ID_OR_NUMBER]/snoozes/[SNOOZE_ID] The ID of the Snooze will be generated by the system.

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/snoozes/[^/]+$

          Location : path

      Flat Path : v3/projects/{projectsId}/snoozes/{snoozesId}

      Path : v3/{+name}

      Scopes :

    • HTTP Method : PATCH