Reader Revenue Subscription Linking API (readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking:v1)


4 new methods | New API


  • readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking.publications.readers.updateEntitlements

      Description: Updates the reader entitlements for a publication reader. The entire reader entitlements will be overwritten by the new reader entitlements in the payload, like a PUT. - Returns PERMISSION_DENIED if the caller does not have access. - Returns NOT_FOUND if the reader does not exist.



          Type: string

          Description: Output only. The resource name of the singleton.

          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Pattern: ^publications/[^/]+/readers/[^/]+/entitlements$


          Type: string

          Description: Optional. The list of fields to update. Defaults to all fields.

          Format: google-fieldmask

          Location: query

      HTTP Method: PATCH

      Flat Path: v1/publications/{publicationsId}/readers/{readersId}/entitlements

      Path: v1/{+name}

      Parameter Order: name

  • readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking.publications.readers.get

      Description: Gets a reader of a publication. Returns NOT_FOUND if the reader does not exist.

      HTTP Method: GET

      Path: v1/{+name}



          Type: string

          Required: Yes

          Pattern: ^publications/[^/]+/readers/[^/]+$

          Description: Required. The resource name of the reader. Format: publications/{publication_id}/readers/{ppid}

          Location: path

      Parameter Order: name

      Flat Path: v1/publications/{publicationsId}/readers/{readersId}

  • readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking.publications.readers.getEntitlements

      HTTP Method: GET

      Flat Path: v1/publications/{publicationsId}/readers/{readersId}/entitlements

      Parameter Order: name

      Path: v1/{+name}



          Required: Yes

          Type: string

          Pattern: ^publications/[^/]+/readers/[^/]+/entitlements$

          Description: Required. The name of the reader entitlements to retrieve. Format: publications/{publication_id}/readers/{reader_id}/entitlements

          Location: path

      Description: Gets the reader entitlements for a publication reader. - Returns PERMISSION_DENIED if the caller does not have access. - Returns NOT_FOUND if the reader does not exist.

  • readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking.publications.readers.delete

      Flat Path: v1/publications/{publicationsId}/readers/{readersId}

      Parameter Order: name

      HTTP Method: DELETE



          Description: If set to true, any entitlements under the reader will also be purged.

          Location: query

          Type: boolean


          Type: string

          Description: Required. The resource name of the reader. Format: publications/{publication_id}/readers/{ppid}

          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Pattern: ^publications/[^/]+/readers/[^/]+$

      Path: v1/{+name}

      Description: Removes a publication reader, effectively severing the association with a Google user. If `force` is set to true, any entitlements for this reader will also be deleted. (Otherwise, the request will only work if the reader has no entitlements.) - If the reader does not exist, return NOT_FOUND. - Return FAILED_PRECONDITION if the force field is false (or unset) and entitlements are present.