▼ ▲ analyticsadmin.accounts.runAccessReport
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}:runAccessReport
Path : v1beta/{+entity}:runAccessReport
Scopes :
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Returns a customized report of data access records. The report provides records of each time a user reads Google Analytics reporting data. Access records are retained for up to 2 years. Data Access Reports can be requested for a property. The property must be in Google Analytics 360. This method is only available to Administrators. These data access records include GA4 UI Reporting, GA4 UI Explorations, GA4 Data API, and other products like Firebase & Admob that can retrieve data from Google Analytics through a linkage. These records don't include property configuration changes like adding a stream or changing a property's time zone. For configuration change history, see [searchChangeHistoryEvents](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/admin/v1/rest/v1alpha/accounts/searchChangeHistoryEvents).
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Description : The Data Access Report supports requesting at the property level or account level. If requested at the account level, Data Access Reports include all access for all properties under that account. To request at the property level, entity should be for example 'properties/123' if "123" is your GA4 property ID. To request at the account level, entity should be for example 'accounts/1234' if "1234" is your GA4 Account ID.
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Parameter Order : entity
▼ ▲ analyticsadmin.properties.runAccessReport
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order : entity
Path : v1beta/{+entity}:runAccessReport
Description : Returns a customized report of data access records. The report provides records of each time a user reads Google Analytics reporting data. Access records are retained for up to 2 years. Data Access Reports can be requested for a property. The property must be in Google Analytics 360. This method is only available to Administrators. These data access records include GA4 UI Reporting, GA4 UI Explorations, GA4 Data API, and other products like Firebase & Admob that can retrieve data from Google Analytics through a linkage. These records don't include property configuration changes like adding a stream or changing a property's time zone. For configuration change history, see [searchChangeHistoryEvents](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/admin/v1/rest/v1alpha/accounts/searchChangeHistoryEvents).
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The Data Access Report supports requesting at the property level or account level. If requested at the account level, Data Access Reports include all access for all properties under that account. To request at the property level, entity should be for example 'properties/123' if "123" is your GA4 property ID. To request at the account level, entity should be for example 'accounts/1234' if "1234" is your GA4 Account ID.
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^properties/[^/]+$
Location : path
Scopes :
Flat Path : v1beta/properties/{propertiesId}:runAccessReport