▼ ▲ chat.spaces.create
Parameters :
Location : query
Type : string
Description : Optional. A unique identifier for this request. A random UUID is recommended. Specifying an existing request ID returns the space created with that ID instead of creating a new space. Specifying an existing request ID from the same Chat app with a different authenticated user returns an error.
Flat Path : v1/spaces
Scopes :
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/spaces
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Creates a named space. Spaces grouped by topics or that have guest access are not supported. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.spaces.create` or `chat.spaces` scope.
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.findDirectMessage
Scopes :
Parameters :
Description : Required. Resource name of the user to find direct message with. Format: users/{user}, where `{user}` is either the `{person_id}` for the [person](https://developers.google.com/people/api/rest/v1/people) from the People API, or the `id` for the [user](https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/users) in the Admin SDK Directory API. For example, if the People API `Person.resourceName` is `people/123456789`, you can find a direct message with that person by using `users/123456789` as the `name`.
Type : string
Location : query
HTTP Method : GET
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Returns the existing direct message with the specified user. With [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users), returns the direct message space between the specified user and the authenticated user. With [service account authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/service-accounts), returns the direct message space between the specified user and the calling Chat app. If no direct message space is found, returns a `404 NOT_FOUND` error. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) or [service account authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/service-accounts).
Path : v1/spaces:findDirectMessage
Flat Path : v1/spaces:findDirectMessage
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.patch
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : query
Format : google-fieldmask
Description : Required. The field paths to be updated, comma separated if there are multiple. Currently supported field paths: - display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the `space_type` mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error.) - space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include `display_name` together with `space_type` in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the `space_type` mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). - space_details - space_history_state (Supports [turning history on or off for the space](https://support.google.com/chat/answer/7664687) if [the organization allows users to change their history setting](https://support.google.com/a/answer/7664184). Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.)
Description : Resource name of the space. Format: spaces/{space}
Location : path
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+$
Type : string
Required : Yes
Path : v1/{+name}
Parameter Order : name
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Updates a space. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.spaces` scope.
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.setup
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Creates a space and adds specified users to it. The calling user is automatically added to the space, and shouldn't be specified as a membership in the request. To specify the human members to add, add memberships with the appropriate `member.name` in the `SetUpSpaceRequest`. To add a human user, use `users/{user}`, where `{user}` is either the `{person_id}` for the [person](https://developers.google.com/people/api/rest/v1/people) from the People API, or the `id` for the [user](https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/users) in the Admin SDK Directory API. For example, if the People API `Person` `resourceName` is `people/123456789`, you can add the user to the space by including a membership with `users/123456789` as the `member.name`. For a space or group chat, if the caller blocks or is blocked by some members, then those members aren't added to the created space. To create a direct message (DM) between the calling user and another human user, specify exactly one membership to represent the human user. If one user blocks the other, the request fails and the DM isn't created. To create a DM between the calling user and the calling app, set `Space.singleUserBotDm` to true and don't specify any memberships. You can only use this method to add app memberships to DMs. To add the calling app as a member of other space types, use [create membership](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.members/create) If a DM already exists between two users, even when one user blocks the other at the time a request is made, then the existing DM is returned. Spaces with threaded replies or guest access are not supported. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.spaces.create` or `chat.spaces` scope.
Flat Path : v1/spaces:setup
Scopes :
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/spaces:setup
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.delete
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.delete
Parameters :
Description : Required. Resource name of the space to delete. Format: spaces/{space}
Type : string
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+$
Location : path
Path : v1/{+name}
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}
Parameter Order : name
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Deletes a named space. Always performs a cascading delete, which means that the space's child resources - like messages posted in the space and memberships in the space - are also deleted. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) from a user who has permission to delete the space, and the `chat.delete` scope.
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.members.delete
Parameters :
Description : Required. Resource name of the membership to delete. Chat apps can delete human users' or their own memberships. Chat apps can't delete other apps' memberships. When deleting a human membership, requires the `chat.memberships` scope and `spaces/{space}/members/{member}` format. When deleting an app membership, requires the `chat.memberships.app` scope and `spaces/{space}/members/app` format. Format: spaces/{space}/members/{member} or spaces/{space}/members/app
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+/members/[^/]+$
Scopes :
Path : v1/{+name}
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Deletes a membership. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.memberships` or `chat.memberships.app` authorization scope.
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}/members/{membersId}
Parameter Order : name
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.members.create
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : path
Description : Required. The resource name of the space for which to create the membership. Format: spaces/{space}
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+$
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}/members
HTTP Method : POST
Scopes :
Parameter Order : parent
Path : v1/{+parent}/members
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Creates a human membership or app membership for the calling app. Creating memberships for other apps is not supported. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.memberships` (for human membership) or `chat.memberships.app` (for app membership) scope. To specify the member to add, set the `membership.member.name` in the `CreateMembershipRequest`: - To add the calling app to the space, use `users/app`. - To add a human user, use `users/{user}`, where `{user}` is either the `{person_id}` for the [person](https://developers.google.com/people/api/rest/v1/people) from the People API, or the `id` for the [user](https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/users) in the Admin SDK Directory API. For example, if the People API `Person` `resourceName` is `people/123456789`, the user can be added to the space by setting the `membership.member.name` to `users/123456789`.
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.messages.list
Parameter Order : parent
Scopes :
Path : v1/{+parent}/messages
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}/messages
Parameters :
Location : query
Description : Whether to include deleted messages. Deleted messages include deleted time and metadata about their deletion, but message content is unavailable.
Type : boolean
Type : integer
Description : The maximum number of messages returned. The service may return fewer messages than this value. If unspecified, at most 25 are returned. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 are coerced to 1000. Negative values return an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error.
Location : query
Format : int32
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Optional, if resuming from a previous query. How the list of messages is ordered. Specify a value to order by and an ordering operation. Valid ordering operation values are: - `ASC` for ascending. - `DESC` for descending. The default ordering is `create_time ASC`.
Type : string
Description : Optional, if resuming from a previous query. A page token received from a previous list messages call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided should match the call that provided the page token. Passing different values to the other parameters may lead to unexpected results.
Location : query
Location : path
Description : Required. The resource name of the space to list messages from. Format: spaces/{space}
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+$
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : A query filter. You can filter messages by date (`create_time`) and thread (`thread.name`). To filter messages by the date they were created, specify the `create_time` with a timestamp in [RFC-3339](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339) format and double quotation marks. For example, `"2023-04-21T11:30:00-04:00"`. You can use the greater than operator `>` to list messages that were created after a timestamp, or the less than operator `<` to list messages that were created before a timestamp. To filter messages within a time interval, use the `AND` operator between two timestamps. To filter by thread, specify the `thread.name`, formatted as `spaces/{space}/threads/{thread}`. You can only specify one `thread.name` per query. To filter by both thread and date, use the `AND` operator in your query. For example, the following queries are valid: ``` create_time > "2012-04-21T11:30:00-04:00" create_time > "2012-04-21T11:30:00-04:00" AND thread.name = spaces/AAAAAAAAAAA/threads/123 create_time > "2012-04-21T11:30:00+00:00" AND create_time < "2013-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" AND thread.name = spaces/AAAAAAAAAAA/threads/123 thread.name = spaces/AAAAAAAAAAA/threads/123 ``` Invalid queries are rejected by the server with an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error.
Location : query
Type : string
HTTP Method : GET
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Lists messages in a space that the caller is a member of, including messages from blocked members and spaces. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.messages` or `chat.messages.readonly` authorization scope. This method is only supported in spaces that don't allow users from outside the Workspace organization to join.
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.messages.reactions.delete
Scopes :
Path : v1/{+name}
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}/messages/{messagesId}/reactions/{reactionsId}
Parameter Order : name
Parameters :
Description : Required. Name of the reaction to delete. Format: spaces/{space}/messages/{message}/reactions/{reaction}
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+/messages/[^/]+/reactions/[^/]+$
Location : path
Type : string
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Deletes a reaction to a message. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.messages` or `chat.messages.reactions` scope.
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.messages.reactions.create
Parameter Order : parent
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}/messages/{messagesId}/reactions
Path : v1/{+parent}/reactions
Scopes :
HTTP Method : POST
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Creates a reaction and adds it to a message. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and the `chat.messages`, `chat.messages.reactions`, or `chat.messages.reactions.create` scope. Only unicode emoji are supported.
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : Required. The message where the reaction is created. Format: spaces/{space}/messages/{message}
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+/messages/[^/]+$
Location : path
Type : string
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.messages.reactions.list
Parameter Order : parent
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : Required. The message users reacted to. Format: spaces/{space}/messages/{message}
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+/messages/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Optional. (If resuming from a previous query.) A page token received from a previous list reactions call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, the filter value should match the call that provided the page token. Passing a different value may lead to unexpected results.
Type : string
Type : integer
Description : Optional. The maximum number of reactions returned. The service may return fewer reactions than this value. If unspecified, the default value is 25. The maximum value is 200; values above 200 are changed to 200.
Location : query
Format : int32
Description : Optional. A query filter. You can filter reactions by [emoji](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/Emoji) (either `emoji.unicode` or `emoji.custom_emoji.uid`) and [user](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/User) (`user.name`). To filter reactions for multiple emojis or users, join similar fields with the `OR` operator, such as `emoji.unicode = "🙂" OR emoji.unicode = "👍"` and `user.name = "users/AAAAAA" OR user.name = "users/BBBBBB"`. To filter reactions by emoji and user, use the `AND` operator, such as `emoji.unicode = "🙂" AND user.name = "users/AAAAAA"`. If your query uses both `AND` and `OR`, group them with parentheses. For example, the following queries are valid: ``` user.name = "users/{user}" emoji.unicode = "🙂" emoji.custom_emoji.uid = "{uid}" emoji.unicode = "🙂" OR emoji.unicode = "👍" emoji.unicode = "🙂" OR emoji.custom_emoji.uid = "{uid}" emoji.unicode = "🙂" AND user.name = "users/{user}" (emoji.unicode = "🙂" OR emoji.custom_emoji.uid = "{uid}") AND user.name = "users/{user}" ``` The following queries are invalid: ``` emoji.unicode = "🙂" AND emoji.unicode = "👍" emoji.unicode = "🙂" AND emoji.custom_emoji.uid = "{uid}" emoji.unicode = "🙂" OR user.name = "users/{user}" emoji.unicode = "🙂" OR emoji.custom_emoji.uid = "{uid}" OR user.name = "users/{user}" emoji.unicode = "🙂" OR emoji.custom_emoji.uid = "{uid}" AND user.name = "users/{user}" ``` Invalid queries are rejected by the server with an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error.
Location : query
Type : string
HTTP Method : GET
Scopes :
Path : v1/{+parent}/reactions
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Lists reactions to a message. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users) and `chat.messages`, `chat.messages.readonly`, `chat.messages.reactions`, or `chat.messages.reactions.readonly` scope.
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}/messages/{messagesId}/reactions
▼ ▲ chat.media.upload
HTTP Method : POST
Supportsmediaupload : Yes
Parameter Order : parent
Description : [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview): Uploads an attachment. Requires user [authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users). You can upload attachments up to 200 MB. Certain file types aren't supported. For details, see [File types blocked by Google Chat](https://support.google.com/chat/answer/7651457?&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop#File%20types%20blocked%20in%20Google%20Chat).
Mediaupload :
Accept : */*
Maxsize : 209715200
Protocols :
Resumable :
Multipart : Yes
Path : /resumable/upload/v1/{+parent}/attachments:upload
Simple :
Path : /upload/v1/{+parent}/attachments:upload
Multipart : Yes
Parameters :
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : Required. Resource name of the Chat space in which the attachment is uploaded. Format "spaces/{space}".
Pattern : ^spaces/[^/]+$
Type : string
Flat Path : v1/spaces/{spacesId}/attachments:upload
Scopes :
Path : v1/{+parent}/attachments:upload
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.list
Parameters :
Description : Optional. A query filter. Requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users). You can filter spaces by the space type ([`space_type`](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces#spacetype)). To filter by space type, you must specify valid `enum` value, such as `SPACE` or `GROUP_CHAT` (the `space_type` cannot be `SPACE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED`). To query for multiple space types, use the `OR` operator. For example, the following queries are valid: ``` space_type = "SPACE" spaceType = "GROUP_CHAT" OR spaceType = "DIRECT_MESSAGE" ``` Invalid queries are rejected by the server with an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error. With [service account authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/service-accounts), this field is ignored and the query always returns all spaces. But Chat API still validates the query syntax with service accounts, so invalid queries are still rejected. [Developer Preview](https://developers.google.com/workspace/preview).
Type : string
Location : query
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.members.list
Parameters :
Description : Optional. A query filter. You can filter memberships by a member's role ([`role`](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.members#membershiprole)) and type ([`member.type`](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/User#type)). To filter by role, set `role` to `ROLE_MEMBER` or `ROLE_MANAGER`. To filter by type, set `member.type` to `HUMAN` or `BOT`. To filter by both role and type, use the `AND` operator. To filter by either role or type, use the `OR` operator. For example, the following queries are valid: ``` role = "ROLE_MANAGER" OR role = "ROLE_MEMBER" member.type = "HUMAN" AND role = "ROLE_MANAGER" ``` The following queries are invalid: ``` member.type = "HUMAN" AND member.type = "BOT" role = "ROLE_MANAGER" AND role = "ROLE_MEMBER" ``` Invalid queries are rejected by the server with an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error.
Location : query
Type : string
Description : Optional. When `true`, also returns memberships associated with invited members, in addition to other types of memberships. If a filter is set, invited memberships that don't match the filter criteria aren't returned. Currently requires [user authentication](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users).
Type : boolean
Location : query
▼ ▲ chat.spaces.messages.delete
Parameters :
Location : query
Type : boolean
Description : When `true`, deleting a message also deletes its threaded replies. When `false`, if a message has threaded replies, deletion fails. Only applies when [authenticating as a user](https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/users). Has no effect when [authenticating with a service account] (https://developers.google.com/chat/api/guides/auth/service-accounts).