▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.resourceValueConfigs.list
Description : Lists all ResourceValueConfigs.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameter Order : parent
Path : v1/{+parent}/resourceValueConfigs
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/resourceValueConfigs
Parameters :
Type : string
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Description : Required. The parent, which owns the collection of resource value configs. Its format is "organizations/[organization_id]"
Location : path
Format : int32
Type : integer
Location : query
Description : The number of results to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most 10 configs will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 will be coerced to 1000.
Description : A page token, received from a previous `ListResourceValueConfigs` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListResourceValueConfigs` must match the call that provided the page token. page_size can be specified, and the new page_size will be used.
Location : query
Type : string
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.resourceValueConfigs.batchCreate
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/resourceValueConfigs:batchCreate
Description : Creates a ResourceValueConfig for an organization. Maps user's tags to difference resource values for use by the attack path simulation.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+$
Description : Required. Resource name of the new ResourceValueConfig's parent. The parent field in the CreateResourceValueConfigRequest messages must either be empty or match this field.
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Path : v1/{+parent}/resourceValueConfigs:batchCreate
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order : parent
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.resourceValueConfigs.get
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : Required. Name of the resource value config to retrieve. Its format is organizations/{organization}/resourceValueConfigs/{config_id}.
Type : string
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/resourceValueConfigs/[^/]+$
Location : path
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/resourceValueConfigs/{resourceValueConfigsId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameter Order : name
Path : v1/{+name}
Description : Gets a ResourceValueConfig.
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.resourceValueConfigs.delete
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/resourceValueConfigs/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Description : Required. Name of the ResourceValueConfig to delete
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameter Order : name
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/resourceValueConfigs/{resourceValueConfigsId}
Path : v1/{+name}
Description : Deletes a ResourceValueConfig.
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.resourceValueConfigs.patch
Parameter Order : name
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/resourceValueConfigs/{resourceValueConfigsId}
Description : Updates an existing ResourceValueConfigs with new rules.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/{+name}
Parameters :
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/resourceValueConfigs/[^/]+$
Type : string
Description : Name for the resource value config
Location : path
Required : Yes
Location : query
Format : google-fieldmask
Type : string
Description : The list of fields to be updated. If empty all mutable fields will be updated.
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.simulations.get
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : Required. The organization name or simulation name of this simulation Valid format: "organizations/{organization}/simulations/latest" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}"
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/simulations/[^/]+$
Type : string
Required : Yes
Path : v1/{+name}
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/simulations/{simulationsId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Get the simulation by name or the latest simulation for the given organization.
Parameter Order : name
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.simulations.attackPaths.list
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/simulations/{simulationsId}/attackPaths
HTTP Method : GET
Path : v1/{+parent}/attackPaths
Description : Lists the attack paths for a set of simulation results or valued resources and filter.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Description : The value returned by the last `ListAttackPathsResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListAttackPaths` call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
Location : query
Type : string
Type : integer
Format : int32
Description : The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000.
Location : query
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The filter expression that filters the attack path in the response. Supported fields: * `valued_resources` supports =
Description : Required. Name of parent to list attack paths. Valid formats: "organizations/{organization}", "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/attackExposureResults/{attack_exposure_result_v2}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/valuedResources/{valued_resource}"
Location : path
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/simulations/[^/]+$
Type : string
Parameter Order : parent
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.simulations.attackExposureResults.attackPaths.list
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/simulations/{simulationsId}/attackExposureResults/{attackExposureResultsId}/attackPaths
HTTP Method : GET
Path : v1/{+parent}/attackPaths
Parameters :
Description : The value returned by the last `ListAttackPathsResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListAttackPaths` call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
Type : string
Location : query
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/simulations/[^/]+/attackExposureResults/[^/]+$
Location : path
Description : Required. Name of parent to list attack paths. Valid formats: "organizations/{organization}", "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/attackExposureResults/{attack_exposure_result_v2}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/valuedResources/{valued_resource}"
Type : string
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : The filter expression that filters the attack path in the response. Supported fields: * `valued_resources` supports =
Location : query
Description : The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000.
Location : query
Format : int32
Type : integer
Description : Lists the attack paths for a set of simulation results or valued resources and filter.
Parameter Order : parent
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.simulations.attackExposureResults.valuedResources.list
Parameter Order : parent
Parameters :
Description : The filter expression that filters the valued resources in the response. Supported fields: * `resource_value` supports = * `resource_type` supports =
Location : query
Type : string
Description : The value returned by the last `ListValuedResourcesResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListValuedResources` call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
Location : query
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000.
Type : integer
Format : int32
Location : path
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/simulations/[^/]+/attackExposureResults/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : Required. Name of parent to list valued resources. Valid formats: "organizations/{organization}", "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/attackExposureResults/{attack_exposure_result_v2}"
HTTP Method : GET
Description : Lists the valued resources for a set of simulation results and filter.
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/simulations/{simulationsId}/attackExposureResults/{attackExposureResultsId}/valuedResources
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/{+parent}/valuedResources
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.simulations.valuedResources.attackPaths.list
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/simulations/{simulationsId}/valuedResources/{valuedResourcesId}/attackPaths
Parameters :
Description : The value returned by the last `ListAttackPathsResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListAttackPaths` call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
Location : query
Type : string
Location : query
Format : int32
Type : integer
Description : The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000.
Type : string
Description : The filter expression that filters the attack path in the response. Supported fields: * `valued_resources` supports =
Location : query
Location : path
Type : string
Description : Required. Name of parent to list attack paths. Valid formats: "organizations/{organization}", "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/attackExposureResults/{attack_exposure_result_v2}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/valuedResources/{valued_resource}"
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/simulations/[^/]+/valuedResources/[^/]+$
HTTP Method : GET
Path : v1/{+parent}/attackPaths
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Lists the attack paths for a set of simulation results or valued resources and filter.
Parameter Order : parent
▼ ▲ securitycenter.organizations.simulations.valuedResources.list
Parameter Order : parent
Description : Lists the valued resources for a set of simulation results and filter.
Parameters :
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/simulations/[^/]+$
Description : Required. Name of parent to list valued resources. Valid formats: "organizations/{organization}", "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}" "organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/attackExposureResults/{attack_exposure_result_v2}"
Type : string
Description : The value returned by the last `ListValuedResourcesResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListValuedResources` call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
Location : query
Location : query
Type : string
Description : The filter expression that filters the valued resources in the response. Supported fields: * `resource_value` supports = * `resource_type` supports =
Format : int32
Location : query
Type : integer
Description : The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000.
Path : v1/{+parent}/valuedResources
HTTP Method : GET
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/organizations/{organizationsId}/simulations/{simulationsId}/valuedResources
▼ ▲ securitycenter.projects.eventThreatDetectionSettings.validateCustomModule
Parameters :
Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings$
Type : string
Location : path
Description : Required. Resource name of the parent to validate the Custom Module under. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings".
Required : Yes
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings:validateCustomModule
Path : v1/{+parent}:validateCustomModule
Parameter Order : parent
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Validates the given Event Threat Detection Custom Module.
▼ ▲ securitycenter.projects.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.get
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/{+name}
Description : Gets an ETD custom module. Retrieves the module at the given level.
Parameters :
Description : Required. Name of the custom module to get. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}".
Location : path
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/[^/]+$
Type : string
Parameter Order : name
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{customModulesId}
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ securitycenter.projects.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.patch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{customModulesId}
Description : Updates an ETD custom module at the given level. All config fields can be updated when updating the module at resident level. Only enablement state can be updated when updating the module at inherited levels. Updating the module has a side-effect that it updates all descendants that are inherited from this module.
Parameter Order : name
Path : v1/{+name}
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : Immutable. The resource name of the Event Threat Detection custom module. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}".
Type : string
Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : query
Format : google-fieldmask
Description : The list of fields to be updated. If empty all mutable fields will be updated.
▼ ▲ securitycenter.projects.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.create
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order : parent
Description : Creates an ETD custom module at the given level. Creating a module has a side-effect of creating modules at all descendants.
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules
Parameters :
Description : Required. The new custom module's parent. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings".
Type : string
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings$
Location : path
Path : v1/{+parent}/customModules
▼ ▲ securitycenter.projects.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.delete
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : Required. Name of the custom module to delete. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}".
Type : string
Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/[^/]+$
Location : path
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{customModulesId}
Parameter Order : name
Description : Deletes an ETD custom module. Deletion at resident level also deletes modules at all descendants. Deletion at any other level is not supported.
Path : v1/{+name}
▼ ▲ securitycenter.projects.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.list
Path : v1/{+parent}/customModules
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : A page token, received from a previous `ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModules` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModules` must match the call that provided the page token.
Location : query
Description : The maximum number of modules to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most 10 configs will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 will be coerced to 1000.
Location : query
Type : integer
Format : int32
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : Required. Name of the parent to list custom modules. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings".
Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings$
Location : path
Flat Path : v1/projects/{projectsId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Description : Lists ETD custom modules. Retrieve all resident and inherited modules at the given level (no descendants).
Parameter Order : parent
▼ ▲ securitycenter.folders.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.create
Flat Path : v1/folders/{foldersId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules
Description : Creates an ETD custom module at the given level. Creating a module has a side-effect of creating modules at all descendants.
Parameters :
Type : string
Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings$
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : Required. The new custom module's parent. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings".
Parameter Order : parent
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1/{+parent}/customModules
▼ ▲ securitycenter.folders.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.list
HTTP Method : GET
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/folders/{foldersId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules
Path : v1/{+parent}/customModules
Description : Lists ETD custom modules. Retrieve all resident and inherited modules at the given level (no descendants).
Parameter Order : parent
Parameters :
Description : Required. Name of the parent to list custom modules. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings".
Type : string
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings$
Location : path
Type : string
Location : query
Description : A page token, received from a previous `ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModules` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModules` must match the call that provided the page token.
Type : integer
Location : query
Description : The maximum number of modules to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most 10 configs will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 will be coerced to 1000.
Format : int32
▼ ▲ securitycenter.folders.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.get
HTTP Method : GET
Parameter Order : name
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1/{+name}
Description : Gets an ETD custom module. Retrieves the module at the given level.
Flat Path : v1/folders/{foldersId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{customModulesId}
Parameters :
Description : Required. Name of the custom module to get. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}".
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/[^/]+$
Location : path
Type : string
▼ ▲ securitycenter.folders.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.delete
Path : v1/{+name}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : Required. Name of the custom module to delete. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}".
Type : string
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/[^/]+$
Description : Deletes an ETD custom module. Deletion at resident level also deletes modules at all descendants. Deletion at any other level is not supported.
Parameter Order : name
Flat Path : v1/folders/{foldersId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{customModulesId}
▼ ▲ securitycenter.folders.eventThreatDetectionSettings.customModules.patch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/folders/{foldersId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{customModulesId}
Description : Updates an ETD custom module at the given level. All config fields can be updated when updating the module at resident level. Only enablement state can be updated when updating the module at inherited levels. Updating the module has a side-effect that it updates all descendants that are inherited from this module.
Path : v1/{+name}
Parameters :
Format : google-fieldmask
Description : The list of fields to be updated. If empty all mutable fields will be updated.
Type : string
Location : query
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : Immutable. The resource name of the Event Threat Detection custom module. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}".
Type : string
Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/[^/]+$
Parameter Order : name
▼ ▲ securitycenter.folders.eventThreatDetectionSettings.validateCustomModule
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1/folders/{foldersId}/eventThreatDetectionSettings:validateCustomModule
Path : v1/{+parent}:validateCustomModule
Description : Validates the given Event Threat Detection Custom Module.
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order : parent
Parameters :
Location : path
Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/eventThreatDetectionSettings$
Description : Required. Resource name of the parent to validate the Custom Module under. Its format is: * "organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings". * "projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings".
Type : string
Required : Yes