▼ ▲ admob.accounts.mediationGroups.mediationAbExperiments.stop
Parameter Order : name
Streamingtype : NONE
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/mediationGroups/{mediationGroupsId}/mediationAbExperiments:stop
Description : Stop the mediation A/B experiment and choose a variant.
Parameters :
Type : string
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+/mediationGroups/[^/]+/mediationAbExperiments$
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : Name of the mediation group, the experiment for which to choose a variant for. Example: accounts/pub-9876543210987654/mediationGroups/0123456789/ mediationAbExperiments
Path : v1beta/{+name}:stop
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.mediationGroups.mediationAbExperiments.create
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : Required. The parent which owns the mediation group. Format: accounts/{publisher_id}/mediationGroups/{mediation_group_id}
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+/mediationGroups/[^/]+$
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/mediationGroups/{mediationGroupsId}/mediationAbExperiments
Streamingtype : NONE
Description : Create an A/B testing experiment for a specified AdMob account and a mediation group.
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/mediationAbExperiments
Parameter Order : parent
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.mediationGroups.list
Parameters :
Description : The value returned by the last `ListMediationGroupsResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListMediationGroups` call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
Type : string
Location : query
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The filter string that uses [EBNF grammar syntax](https://google.aip.dev/assets/misc/ebnf-filtering.txt). Possible fields to filter by are: - "AD_SOURCE_IDS" - "AD_UNIT_IDS" - "APP_IDS" - "DISPLAY_NAME" - "FORMAT" - "MEDIATION_GROUP_ID" - "PLATFORM" - "STATE" - "TARGETED_REGION_CODES" Possible filter functions are: - `IN`: Used to filter fields that represent a singleton including "MEDIATION_GROUP_ID", "DISPLAY_NAME", "STATE", "PLATFORM", and "FORMAT". - `CONTAINS_ANY`: Used to filter fields that represent a collection including "AD_SOURCE_IDS", "AD_UNIT_IDS", "APP_IDS", and "TARGETED_REGION_CODES". The filter functions can be added together using `AND`. `OR` functionality is not supported. Example: filter: IN(DISPLAY_NAME, "Test Group 1", "Test Group 2") AND IN(PLATFORM, "ANDROID") AND CONTAINS_ANY(AD_SOURCE_IDS, "5450213213286189855")
Format : int32
Description : The maximum number of mediation groups to return. If unspecified or 0, at most 10,000 mediation groups will be returned. The maximum value is 20,000; values above 20,000 will be coerced to 20,000.
Type : integer
Location : query
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Description : Required. Resource name of the account to list mediation groups for. Example: accounts/pub-9876543210987654
HTTP Method : GET
Parameter Order : parent
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/mediationGroups
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly
Streamingtype : NONE
Description : List mediation groups under the specified AdMob account.
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/mediationGroups
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.mediationGroups.create
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/mediationGroups
Parameter Order : parent
Parameters :
Location : path
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : Required. The parent which owns the mediation group. Format: accounts/{publisher_id}
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/mediationGroups
Description : Create a mediation group under the specific AdMob account.
Streamingtype : NONE
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.mediationGroups.patch
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/mediationGroups/{mediationGroupsId}
Parameters :
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+/mediationGroups/[^/]+$
Location : path
Type : string
Description : Resource name for this mediation group. Format is: accounts/{publisher_id}/mediationGroups/{mediation_group_id} Example: accounts/pub-9876543210987654/mediationGroups/0123456789
Required : Yes
Location : query
Format : google-fieldmask
Type : string
Description : List of mediation group fields to be updated. Updates to repeated fields such as items in a list will fully replace the existing value(s) with the new value(s). Updates to individual values in a map can be done by indexing by the key. The following field masks are supported for mediation group updates: - "mediation_group_lines[\"{mediation_group_line_id}\"]" clang-format off - "mediation_group_lines[\"{mediation_group_line_id}\"].ad_unit_mappings[\"{ad_unit_id}\"]" clang-format on - "mediation_group_lines[\"{mediation_group_line_id}\"].cpm_micros" - "mediation_group_lines[\"{mediation_group_line_id}\"].cpm_mode" - "mediation_group_lines[\"{mediation_group_line_id}\"].state" - "mediation_group_lines[\"{mediation_group_line_id}\"].display_name" - "targeting.ad_unit_ids" To update a mediation group with a new mediation group line, use a distinct negative number for the "mediation_group_line_id". For Example: update_mask { paths: "mediation_group_lines[\"123456789012345\"].cpm_micros" }
Path : v1beta/{+name}
Description : Update the specified mediation group under the specified AdMob account.
Streamingtype : NONE
Parameter Order : name
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.adUnitMappings.batchCreate
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/adUnitMappings:batchCreate
Description : Batch create the ad unit mappings under the specific AdMob account. The maximum allowed batch size is 100.
Parameters :
Description : Required. The AdMob account which owns this collection of ad unit mappings. Format: accounts/{publisher_id} See https://support.google.com/admob/answer/2784578 for instructions on how to find your AdMob publisher ID.
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Streamingtype : NONE
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order : parent
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/adUnitMappings:batchCreate
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.adUnits.create
Parameter Order : parent
Description : Creates an ad unit under the specified AdMob account.
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/adUnits
Streamingtype : NONE
HTTP Method : POST
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : Required. Resource name of the account to create the specified ad unit for. Example: accounts/pub-9876543210987654
Location : path
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/adUnits
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.adUnits.adUnitMappings.create
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/adUnits/{adUnitsId}/adUnitMappings
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Create an ad unit mapping under the specific AdMob account and ad unit.
Streamingtype : NONE
Parameter Order : parent
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : path
Description : Required. The parent which owns the ad unit mapping. Format: accounts/{publisher_id}/adUnits/{ad_unit_id}
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+/adUnits/[^/]+$
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/adUnitMappings
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.adUnits.adUnitMappings.list
Parameter Order : parent
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/adUnitMappings
Streamingtype : NONE
Parameters :
Description : The maximum number of ad unit mappings to return. If unspecified or 0, at most 10,000 ad unit mappings will be returned. The maximum value is 20,000; values above 20,000 will be coerced to 20,000.
Location : query
Format : int32
Type : integer
Type : string
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+/adUnits/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Description : Required. The parent which owns this collection of ad unit mappings. Format: accounts/{publisher_id}/adUnits/{ad_unit_id}
Location : path
Location : query
Description : A page token, received from a previous `ListAdUnitMappings` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The filter string that uses [EBNF grammar syntax](https://google.aip.dev/assets/misc/ebnf-filtering.txt). Possible field to filter by is: - "DISPLAY_NAME" Possible filter function is: - `IN`: Used to filter fields that represent a singleton including "DISPLAY_NAME". The filter functions can be added together using `AND`. `OR` functionality is not supported. Example: filter: IN(DISPLAY_NAME, "Test Ad Unit Mapping 1", "Test Ad Unit Mapping 2")
Type : string
Description : List ad unit mappings under the specified AdMob account and ad unit.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/adUnits/{adUnitsId}/adUnitMappings
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.campaigns.batchUpdate
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Description : Required. Resource name of the account to list campaigns for. The `parent` field in the individual UpdateCampaignRequest messages should match the value set here. Example: accounts/pub-9876543210987654
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Parameter Order : parent
Description : Batch update operation for campaigns under the specified AdMob publisher.
Streamingtype : NONE
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/campaigns:batchUpdate
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/campaigns:batchUpdate
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.campaigns.list
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/campaigns
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/campaigns
Description : List the campaigns under the specified AdMob account.
Parameter Order : parent
Streamingtype : NONE
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly
Parameters :
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : Required. Resource name of the account to list campaigns for. Example: accounts/pub-9876543210987654
Location : query
Type : string
Description : The filter string that uses [EBNF grammar syntax](https://google.aip.dev/assets/misc/ebnf-filtering.txt). Possible field to filter by is: - "CAMPAIGN_GOAL_TYPE" Possible filter function is: - `IN`: Used to filter fields that represent a singleton including "CAMPAIGN_GOAL_TYPE". The filter functions can be added together using `AND`. `OR` functionality is not supported. Example: filter: IN(CAMPAIGN_GOAL_TYPE, "NUMBER_OF_CLICKS", "MEDIATED_ADS")
Type : string
Description : The value returned by the last `ListCampaignsResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListGoogleBiddingAdUnits` call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
Location : query
Location : query
Type : integer
Description : The maximum number of campaigns to return.
Format : int32
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.adSources.adapters.list
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/adapters
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/adSources/{adSourcesId}/adapters
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admob.readonly
Parameters :
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+/adSources/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : path
Description : Required. The parent which owns this collection of adapters. Format: accounts/{publisher_id}/adSources/{ad_source_id}
Type : integer
Location : query
Description : The maximum number of adapters to return. If unspecified or 0, at most 10,000 adapters will be returned. The maximum value is 20,000; values above 20,000 will be coerced to 20,000.
Format : int32
Description : A page token, received from a previous `ListAdapters` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page.
Type : string
Location : query
Parameter Order : parent
Streamingtype : NONE
HTTP Method : GET
Description : List the adapters of the ad source.
▼ ▲ admob.accounts.apps.create
Parameter Order : parent
Streamingtype : NONE
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1beta/{+parent}/apps
Parameters :
Description : Required. Resource name of the account for which the app is being created. Example: accounts/pub-9876543210987654
Type : string
Pattern : ^accounts/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Location : path
Flat Path : v1beta/accounts/{accountsId}/apps
Description : Creates an app under the specified AdMob account.