▼ ▲ chromemanagement.customers.reports.enumeratePrintJobs
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chrome.management.reports.readonly
Path : v1/{+customer}/reports:enumeratePrintJobs
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Location : query
Description : Query string to filter results, AND-separated fields in EBNF syntax. Note: OR operations are not supported in this filter. Note: Only >= and <= comparators are supported for `complete_time`. Note: Only = comparator supported for `user_id` and `printer_id`. Supported filter fields: * complete_time * printer_id * user_id
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : Required. Customer ID prefixed with "customers/" or "customers/my_customer" to use the customer associated to the account making the request.
Pattern : ^customers/[^/]+$
Type : string
Location : path
Location : query
Description : Field used to order results. If not specified, results will be ordered in descending order of the `complete_time` field. Supported order by fields: * title * state * create_time * complete_time * document_page_count * color_mode * duplex_mode * printer * user_email
Type : string
Format : int32
Location : query
Type : integer
Description : The number of print jobs in the page from 0 to 100 inclusive, if page_size is not specified or zero, the size will be 50.
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The ID of the organizational unit for printers. If specified, only print jobs submitted to printers from the specified organizational unit will be returned.
Type : string
Location : query
Description : A page token received from a previous `EnumeratePrintJobs` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. If omitted, the first page of results will be returned. When paginating, all other parameters provided to `EnumeratePrintJobs` must match the call that provided the page token.
Flat Path : v1/customers/{customersId}/reports:enumeratePrintJobs
Parameter Order : customer
Description : Get a list of print jobs.
▼ ▲ chromemanagement.customers.reports.countPrintJobsByPrinter
Parameter Order : customer
Description : Get a summary of printing done by each printer.
HTTP Method : GET
Path : v1/{+customer}/reports:countPrintJobsByPrinter
Flat Path : v1/customers/{customersId}/reports:countPrintJobsByPrinter
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chrome.management.reports.readonly
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : Query string to filter results, AND-separated fields in EBNF syntax. Note: OR operations are not supported in this filter. Note: Only >= and <= comparators are supported in this filter. Supported filter fields: * complete_time
Location : query
Description : Field used to order results. If omitted, results will be ordered in ascending order of the 'printer' field. Supported order_by fields: * printer * job_count * device_count * user_count
Type : string
Location : query
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : Required. Customer ID prefixed with "customers/" or "customers/my_customer" to use the customer associated to the account making the request.
Type : string
Pattern : ^customers/[^/]+$
Location : query
Type : string
Description : Token to specify the page of the response to be returned.
Type : integer
Location : query
Format : int32
Description : Maximum number of results to return. Maximum and default are 100.
Description : The ID of the organizational unit for printers. If specified, only data for printers from the specified organizational unit will be returned. If omitted, data for printers from all organizational units will be returned.
Location : query
Type : string
▼ ▲ chromemanagement.customers.reports.countPrintJobsByUser
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : v1/customers/{customersId}/reports:countPrintJobsByUser
Parameter Order : customer
Path : v1/{+customer}/reports:countPrintJobsByUser
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chrome.management.reports.readonly
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Token to specify the page of the response to be returned.
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Query string to filter results, AND-separated fields in EBNF syntax. Note: OR operations are not supported in this filter. Note: Only >= and <= comparators are supported in this filter. Supported filter fields: * complete_time
Pattern : ^customers/[^/]+$
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : Required. Customer ID prefixed with "customers/" or "customers/my_customer" to use the customer associated to the account making the request.
Location : path
Location : query
Description : Field used to order results. If omitted, results will be ordered in ascending order of the 'user_email' field. Supported order_by fields: * user_email * job_count * printer_count * device_count
Type : string
Description : The ID of the organizational unit for printers. If specified, only print jobs initiated with printers from the specified organizational unit will be counted. If omitted, all print jobs will be counted.
Location : query
Type : string
Type : integer
Location : query
Description : Maximum number of results to return. Maximum and default are 100.
Format : int32
Description : Get a summary of printing done by each user.