Policy Simulator API (policysimulator:v1alpha)


12 new methods


  • policysimulator.organizations.locations.replays.results.list

      Parameters :


          Location : query

          Type : integer

          Format : int32

          Description : The maximum number of ReplayResult objects to return. Defaults to 5000. The maximum value is 5000; values above 5000 are rounded down to 5000.


          Description : A page token, received from a previous Simulator.ListReplayResults call. Provide this token to retrieve the next page of results. When paginating, all other parameters provided to [Simulator.ListReplayResults[] must match the call that provided the page token.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Location : path

          Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/replays/[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The Replay whose results are listed, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global/replays/{replay-id}` Example: `projects/my-project/locations/global/replays/506a5f7f-38ce-4d7d-8e03-479ce1833c36`

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/results

      Description : Lists the results of running a Replay.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : parent

      Flat Path : v1alpha/organizations/{organizationsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays/{replaysId}/results

  • policysimulator.organizations.locations.replays.get

      Flat Path : v1alpha/organizations/{organizationsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays/{replaysId}

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v1alpha/{+name}

      Parameter Order : name

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      Parameters :


          Description : Required. The name of the Replay to retrieve, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global/replays/{replay-id}`, where `{resource-id}` is the ID of the project, folder, or organization that owns the `Replay`. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global/replays/506a5f7f-38ce-4d7d-8e03-479ce1833c36`

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/replays/[^/]+$

      Description : Gets the specified Replay. Each `Replay` is available for at least 7 days.

  • policysimulator.organizations.locations.replays.list

      Parameters :


          Type : integer

          Description : The maximum number of Replay objects to return. Defaults to 50. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 are rounded down to 1000.

          Location : query

          Format : int32


          Location : query

          Type : string

          Description : A page token, received from a previous Simulator.ListReplays call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to Simulator.ListReplays must match the call that provided the page token.


          Type : string

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+$

          Description : Required. The parent resource, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global`, where `{resource-id}` is the ID of the project, folder, or organization that owns the Replay. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global` Only `Replay` objects that are direct children of the provided parent are listed. In other words, `Replay` objects that are children of a project will not be included when the parent is a folder of that project.

          Required : Yes

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      Flat Path : v1alpha/organizations/{organizationsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays

      Parameter Order : parent

      Description : Lists each Replay in a project, folder, or organization. Each `Replay` is available for at least 7 days.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/replays

  • policysimulator.organizations.locations.replays.create

      HTTP Method : POST

      Description : Creates and starts a Replay using the given ReplayConfig.

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The parent resource where this Replay will be created. This resource must be a project, folder, or organization with a location. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global`

          Pattern : ^organizations/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/replays

      Flat Path : v1alpha/organizations/{organizationsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      Parameter Order : parent

  • policysimulator.projects.locations.replays.results.list

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      HTTP Method : GET

      Parameter Order : parent

      Parameters :


          Type : string

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/replays/[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Description : Required. The Replay whose results are listed, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global/replays/{replay-id}` Example: `projects/my-project/locations/global/replays/506a5f7f-38ce-4d7d-8e03-479ce1833c36`


          Location : query

          Description : The maximum number of ReplayResult objects to return. Defaults to 5000. The maximum value is 5000; values above 5000 are rounded down to 5000.

          Format : int32

          Type : integer


          Description : A page token, received from a previous Simulator.ListReplayResults call. Provide this token to retrieve the next page of results. When paginating, all other parameters provided to [Simulator.ListReplayResults[] must match the call that provided the page token.

          Type : string

          Location : query

      Description : Lists the results of running a Replay.

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/results

      Flat Path : v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays/{replaysId}/results

  • policysimulator.projects.locations.replays.get

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v1alpha/{+name}

      Parameter Order : name

      Flat Path : v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays/{replaysId}

      Description : Gets the specified Replay. Each `Replay` is available for at least 7 days.

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The name of the Replay to retrieve, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global/replays/{replay-id}`, where `{resource-id}` is the ID of the project, folder, or organization that owns the `Replay`. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global/replays/506a5f7f-38ce-4d7d-8e03-479ce1833c36`

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/replays/[^/]+$

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

  • policysimulator.projects.locations.replays.list

      HTTP Method : GET

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/replays

      Parameters :


          Description : A page token, received from a previous Simulator.ListReplays call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to Simulator.ListReplays must match the call that provided the page token.

          Location : query

          Type : string


          Description : Required. The parent resource, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global`, where `{resource-id}` is the ID of the project, folder, or organization that owns the Replay. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global` Only `Replay` objects that are direct children of the provided parent are listed. In other words, `Replay` objects that are children of a project will not be included when the parent is a folder of that project.

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+$


          Description : The maximum number of Replay objects to return. Defaults to 50. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 are rounded down to 1000.

          Type : integer

          Format : int32

          Location : query

      Flat Path : v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays

      Description : Lists each Replay in a project, folder, or organization. Each `Replay` is available for at least 7 days.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      Parameter Order : parent

  • policysimulator.projects.locations.replays.create

      Parameter Order : parent

      Flat Path : v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Description : Required. The parent resource where this Replay will be created. This resource must be a project, folder, or organization with a location. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global`

          Location : path

      Description : Creates and starts a Replay using the given ReplayConfig.

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      HTTP Method : POST

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/replays

  • policysimulator.folders.locations.replays.list

      Parameters :


          Description : The maximum number of Replay objects to return. Defaults to 50. The maximum value is 1000; values above 1000 are rounded down to 1000.

          Format : int32

          Location : query

          Type : integer


          Type : string

          Description : Required. The parent resource, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global`, where `{resource-id}` is the ID of the project, folder, or organization that owns the Replay. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global` Only `Replay` objects that are direct children of the provided parent are listed. In other words, `Replay` objects that are children of a project will not be included when the parent is a folder of that project.

          Location : path

          Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+$

          Required : Yes


          Description : A page token, received from a previous Simulator.ListReplays call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to Simulator.ListReplays must match the call that provided the page token.

          Type : string

          Location : query

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/replays

      Parameter Order : parent

      Description : Lists each Replay in a project, folder, or organization. Each `Replay` is available for at least 7 days.

      Flat Path : v1alpha/folders/{foldersId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays

  • policysimulator.folders.locations.replays.get

      HTTP Method : GET

      Description : Gets the specified Replay. Each `Replay` is available for at least 7 days.

      Path : v1alpha/{+name}

      Parameters :


          Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/replays/[^/]+$

          Required : Yes

          Type : string

          Description : Required. The name of the Replay to retrieve, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global/replays/{replay-id}`, where `{resource-id}` is the ID of the project, folder, or organization that owns the `Replay`. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global/replays/506a5f7f-38ce-4d7d-8e03-479ce1833c36`

          Location : path

      Parameter Order : name

      Flat Path : v1alpha/folders/{foldersId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays/{replaysId}

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

  • policysimulator.folders.locations.replays.create

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/replays

      Parameter Order : parent

      Flat Path : v1alpha/folders/{foldersId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays

      Parameters :


          Location : path

          Description : Required. The parent resource where this Replay will be created. This resource must be a project, folder, or organization with a location. Example: `projects/my-example-project/locations/global`

          Type : string

          Required : Yes

          Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+$

      Description : Creates and starts a Replay using the given ReplayConfig.

      HTTP Method : POST

  • policysimulator.folders.locations.replays.results.list

      Parameters :


          Type : integer

          Description : The maximum number of ReplayResult objects to return. Defaults to 5000. The maximum value is 5000; values above 5000 are rounded down to 5000.

          Location : query

          Format : int32


          Location : query

          Description : A page token, received from a previous Simulator.ListReplayResults call. Provide this token to retrieve the next page of results. When paginating, all other parameters provided to [Simulator.ListReplayResults[] must match the call that provided the page token.

          Type : string


          Description : Required. The Replay whose results are listed, in the following format: `{projects|folders|organizations}/{resource-id}/locations/global/replays/{replay-id}` Example: `projects/my-project/locations/global/replays/506a5f7f-38ce-4d7d-8e03-479ce1833c36`

          Pattern : ^folders/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/replays/[^/]+$

          Type : string

          Location : path

          Required : Yes

      Description : Lists the results of running a Replay.

      HTTP Method : GET

      Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform

      Flat Path : v1alpha/folders/{foldersId}/locations/{locationsId}/replays/{replaysId}/results

      Path : v1alpha/{+parent}/results

      Parameter Order : parent