▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitobject.update
HTTP Method : PUT
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : Updates the transit object referenced by the given object ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitobject.addmessage
Description : Adds a message to the transit object referenced by the given object ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : POST
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitobject.insert
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Inserts an transit object with the given ID and properties.
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitobject.patch
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Updates the transit object referenced by the given object ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Type : string
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitobject.get
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}
Description : Returns the transit object with the given object ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitobject.list
Description : Returns a list of all transit objects for a given issuer ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Description : The ID of the class whose objects will be listed.
Location : query
Type : string
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` objects are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 objects and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 objects and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 objects.
Location : query
Type : string
Location : query
Format : int32
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Type : integer
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject
▼ ▲ walletobjects.walletobjects.v1.privateContent.setPassUpdateNotice
Description : Provide Google with information about awaiting private pass update. This will allow Google to provide the update notification to the device that currently holds this pass.
Path : walletobjects/v1/privateContent/setPassUpdateNotice
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/privateContent/setPassUpdateNotice
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ walletobjects.walletobjects.v1.privateContent.uploadPrivateData
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/privateContent/uploadPrivateData
Description : Upload private data (text or URI) and returns an Id to be used in its place.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/privateContent/uploadPrivateData
▼ ▲ walletobjects.jwt.insert
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/jwt
Path : walletobjects/v1/jwt
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Inserts the resources in the JWT.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitclass.update
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : PUT
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Updates the transit class referenced by the given class ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitclass.patch
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the transit class referenced by the given class ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Type : string
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitclass.insert
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass
Description : Inserts a transit class with the given ID and properties.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitclass.addmessage
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : POST
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string
Description : Adds a message to the transit class referenced by the given class ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitclass.get
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}
Description : Returns the transit class with the given class ID.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ walletobjects.transitclass.list
Parameters :
Format : int64
Location : query
Description : The ID of the issuer authorized to list classes.
Type : string
Format : int32
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Type : integer
Location : query
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` classes are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 classes and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 classes and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 classes.
Location : query
Type : string
HTTP Method : GET
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Returns a list of all transit classes for a given issuer ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitClass
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightclass.list
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass
Parameters :
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Type : integer
Format : int32
Location : query
Description : The ID of the issuer authorized to list classes.
Type : string
Format : int64
Location : query
Type : string
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` classes are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 classes and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 classes and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 classes.
Location : query
Description : Returns a list of all flight classes for a given issuer ID.
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightclass.addmessage
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : POST
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Adds a message to the flight class referenced by the given class ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightclass.insert
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass
Description : Inserts an flight class with the given ID and properties.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightclass.get
HTTP Method : GET
Description : Returns the flight class with the given class ID.
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightclass.patch
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Type : string
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Updates the flight class referenced by the given class ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightclass.update
HTTP Method : PUT
Description : Updates the flight class referenced by the given class ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Type : string
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightClass/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightobject.insert
Description : Inserts an flight object with the given ID and properties.
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightobject.list
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject
Parameters :
Type : integer
Location : query
Format : int32
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Location : query
Type : string
Description : The ID of the class whose objects will be listed.
Location : query
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` objects are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 objects and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 objects and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 objects.
Type : string
HTTP Method : GET
Description : Returns a list of all flight objects for a given issuer ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightobject.patch
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Type : string
Description : Updates the flight object referenced by the given object ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightobject.get
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Returns the flight object with the given object ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : GET
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Parameter Order : resourceId
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightobject.update
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : Updates the flight object referenced by the given object ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : PUT
▼ ▲ walletobjects.flightobject.addmessage
HTTP Method : POST
Parameters :
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Adds a message to the flight object referenced by the given object ID.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/flightObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketclass.list
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass
Parameters :
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` classes are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 classes and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 classes and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 classes.
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The ID of the issuer authorized to list classes.
Format : int64
Type : string
Location : query
Location : query
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Format : int32
Type : integer
HTTP Method : GET
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass
Description : Returns a list of all event ticket classes for a given issuer ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketclass.get
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Returns the event ticket class with the given class ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketclass.patch
Description : Updates the event ticket class referenced by the given class ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketclass.insert
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass
Description : Inserts an event ticket class with the given ID and properties.
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketclass.addmessage
Parameters :
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
HTTP Method : POST
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Adds a message to the event ticket class referenced by the given class ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketclass.update
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
HTTP Method : PUT
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketClass/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Updates the event ticket class referenced by the given class ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerclass.update
Description : Updates the offer class referenced by the given class ID.
HTTP Method : PUT
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerclass.get
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : GET
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}
Description : Returns the offer class with the given class ID.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerclass.list
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass
Description : Returns a list of all offer classes for a given issuer ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Format : int32
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Location : query
Type : integer
Format : int64
Location : query
Type : string
Description : The ID of the issuer authorized to list classes.
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` classes are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 classes and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 classes and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 classes.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerclass.patch
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Description : Updates the offer class referenced by the given class ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerclass.insert
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Inserts an offer class with the given ID and properties.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerclass.addmessage
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Location : path
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Description : Adds a message to the offer class referenced by the given class ID.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerobject.update
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Updates the offer object referenced by the given object ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : PUT
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerobject.patch
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Type : string
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the offer object referenced by the given object ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerobject.list
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject
Description : Returns a list of all offer objects for a given issuer ID.
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Location : query
Format : int32
Type : integer
Type : string
Description : The ID of the class whose objects will be listed.
Location : query
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` objects are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 objects and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 objects and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 objects.
Type : string
Location : query
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerobject.insert
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Inserts an offer object with the given ID and properties.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerobject.addmessage
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Type : string
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Adds a message to the offer object referenced by the given object ID.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
▼ ▲ walletobjects.offerobject.get
Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Type : string
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/offerObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : GET
Description : Returns the offer object with the given object ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.permissions.get
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Returns the permissions for the given issuer id.
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/permissions/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Format : int64
Description : The unique identifier for an issuer. This ID must be unique across all issuers.
Location : path
Type : string
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/permissions/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.permissions.update
HTTP Method : PUT
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an issuer. This ID must be unique across all issuers.
Format : int64
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/permissions/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Updates the permissions for the given issuer.
Path : walletobjects/v1/permissions/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.media.upload
Parameters :
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}/uploadRotatingBarcodeValues
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
Mediaupload :
Protocols :
Simple :
Path : /upload/walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}/uploadRotatingBarcodeValues
Multipart : Yes
Accept : */*
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}/uploadRotatingBarcodeValues
Description : Uploads rotating barcode values for the transit object referenced by the given object ID. Note the max upload size is specified in google3/production/config/cdd/apps-upload/customers/payments-consumer-passes/config.gcl and enforced by Scotty.
Supportsmediaupload : Yes
▼ ▲ walletobjects.media.download
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Downloads rotating barcode values for the transit object referenced by the given object ID.
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}/downloadRotatingBarcodeValues
Usemediadownloadservice : Yes
Supportsmediadownload : Yes
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/transitObject/{resourceId}/downloadRotatingBarcodeValues
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericobject.list
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject
Description : Returns a list of all generic objects for a given issuer ID.
Parameters :
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` objects are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 objects and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 objects and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 objects.
Type : string
Location : query
Format : int32
Location : query
Type : integer
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Description : The ID of the class whose objects will be listed.
Type : string
Location : query
HTTP Method : GET
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericobject.patch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject/{resourceId}
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value needs to follow the format `issuerID.identifier` where `issuerID` is issued by Google and `identifier` is chosen by you. The unique identifier can only include alphanumeric characters, `.`, `_`, or `-`.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Updates the generic object referenced by the given object ID. This method supports patch semantics.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericobject.get
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value needs to follow the format `issuerID.identifier` where `issuerID` is issued by Google and `identifier` is chosen by you. The unique identifier can only include alphanumeric characters, `.`, `_`, or `-`.
Location : path
Required : Yes
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : GET
Description : Returns the generic object with the given object ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericobject.insert
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject
Description : Inserts a generic object with the given ID and properties.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericobject.update
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value needs to follow the format `issuerID.identifier` where `issuerID` is issued by Google and `identifier` is chosen by you. The unique identifier can only include alphanumeric characters, `.`, `_`, or `-`.
Required : Yes
Location : path
HTTP Method : PUT
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericObject/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the generic object referenced by the given object ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketobject.insert
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject
Description : Inserts an event ticket object with the given ID and properties.
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketobject.get
Description : Returns the event ticket object with the given object ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Required : Yes
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketobject.addmessage
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Adds a message to the event ticket object referenced by the given object ID.
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketobject.list
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` objects are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 objects and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 objects and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 objects.
Description : The ID of the class whose objects will be listed.
Type : string
Location : query
Format : int32
Type : integer
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Location : query
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Returns a list of all event ticket objects for a given issuer ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketobject.update
HTTP Method : PUT
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the event ticket object referenced by the given object ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketobject.modifylinkedofferobjects
Description : Modifies linked offer objects for the event ticket object with the given ID.
HTTP Method : POST
Parameters :
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}/modifyLinkedOfferObjects
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}/modifyLinkedOfferObjects
Parameter Order : resourceId
▼ ▲ walletobjects.eventticketobject.patch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Updates the event ticket object referenced by the given object ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Path : walletobjects/v1/eventTicketObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericclass.get
Parameter Order : resourceId
Description : Returns the generic class with the given class ID.
HTTP Method : GET
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value needs to follow the format `issuerID.identifier` where `issuerID` is issued by Google and `identifier` is chosen by you. The unique identifier can only include alphanumeric characters, `.`, `_`, or `-`.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass/{resourceId}
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericclass.insert
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Inserts a generic class with the given ID and properties.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericclass.list
Parameters :
Format : int32
Location : query
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Type : integer
Description : The ID of the issuer authorized to list classes.
Location : query
Format : int64
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` classes are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 classes and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 classes and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 classes.
Type : string
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass
Description : Returns a list of all generic classes for a given issuer ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericclass.patch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value needs to follow the format `issuerID.identifier` where `issuerID` is issued by Google and `identifier` is chosen by you. The unique identifier can only include alphanumeric characters, `.`, `_`, or `-`.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the generic class referenced by the given class ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.genericclass.update
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : PUT
Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value needs to follow the format `issuerID.identifier` where `issuerID` is issued by Google and `identifier` is chosen by you. The unique identifier can only include alphanumeric characters, `.`, `_`, or `-`.
Location : path
Type : string
Required : Yes
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/genericClass/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the Generic class referenced by the given class ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardclass.addmessage
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Description : Adds a message to the gift card class referenced by the given class ID.
HTTP Method : POST
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardclass.patch
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the gift card class referenced by the given class ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardclass.list
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The ID of the issuer authorized to list classes.
Location : query
Format : int64
Format : int32
Location : query
Type : integer
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Type : string
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` classes are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 classes and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 classes and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 classes.
Location : query
Description : Returns a list of all gift card classes for a given issuer ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardclass.get
Description : Returns the gift card class with the given class ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardclass.insert
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass
Description : Inserts an gift card class with the given ID and properties.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardclass.update
Description : Updates the gift card class referenced by the given class ID.
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : PUT
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
▼ ▲ walletobjects.issuer.update
Parameters :
Location : path
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an issuer.
Format : int64
Required : Yes
Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : PUT
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the issuer referenced by the given issuer ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
▼ ▲ walletobjects.issuer.list
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer
Description : Returns a list of all issuers shared to the caller.
HTTP Method : GET
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.issuer.insert
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Inserts an issuer with the given ID and properties.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.issuer.get
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer/{resourceId}
Description : Returns the issuer with the given issuer ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Format : int64
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an issuer.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
▼ ▲ walletobjects.issuer.patch
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an issuer.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Format : int64
Location : path
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the issuer referenced by the given issuer ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/issuer/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.smarttap.insert
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/smartTap
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/smartTap
Description : Inserts the smart tap.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyclass.list
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` classes are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 classes and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 classes and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 classes.
Location : query
Location : query
Type : integer
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Format : int32
Description : The ID of the issuer authorized to list classes.
Format : int64
Location : query
Type : string
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Returns a list of all loyalty classes for a given issuer ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass
HTTP Method : GET
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyclass.update
Description : Updates the loyalty class referenced by the given class ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Location : path
HTTP Method : PUT
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyclass.addmessage
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Adds a message to the loyalty class referenced by the given class ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}/addMessage
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyclass.insert
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass
Description : Inserts an loyalty class with the given ID and properties.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyclass.get
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Returns the loyalty class with the given class ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyclass.patch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for a class. This ID must be unique across all classes from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Required : Yes
Type : string
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyClass/{resourceId}
Description : Updates the loyalty class referenced by the given class ID. This method supports patch semantics.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyobject.get
Parameters :
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
HTTP Method : GET
Description : Returns the loyalty object with the given object ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyobject.modifylinkedofferobjects
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}/modifyLinkedOfferObjects
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Modifies linked offer objects for the loyalty object with the given ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}/modifyLinkedOfferObjects
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyobject.insert
Description : Inserts an loyalty object with the given ID and properties.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyobject.list
Description : Returns a list of all loyalty objects for a given issuer ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The ID of the class whose objects will be listed.
Location : query
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` objects are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 objects and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 objects and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 objects.
Location : query
Type : string
Format : int32
Type : integer
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Location : query
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyobject.update
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Parameters :
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Description : Updates the loyalty object referenced by the given object ID.
HTTP Method : PUT
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}
Parameter Order : resourceId
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyobject.patch
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Description : Updates the loyalty object referenced by the given object ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.loyaltyobject.addmessage
Description : Adds a message to the loyalty object referenced by the given object ID.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Parameters :
Type : string
Required : Yes
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Path : walletobjects/v1/loyaltyObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
HTTP Method : POST
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardobject.patch
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}
Parameters :
Required : Yes
Type : string
Location : path
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Description : Updates the gift card object referenced by the given object ID. This method supports patch semantics.
Parameter Order : resourceId
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardobject.addmessage
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string
Parameter Order : resourceId
HTTP Method : POST
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Description : Adds a message to the gift card object referenced by the given object ID.
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}/addMessage
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardobject.get
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}
HTTP Method : GET
Parameters :
Type : string
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Location : path
Required : Yes
Description : Returns the gift card object with the given object ID.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardobject.update
Description : Updates the gift card object referenced by the given object ID.
Parameters :
Description : The unique identifier for an object. This ID must be unique across all objects from an issuer. This value should follow the format issuer ID. identifier where the former is issued by Google and latter is chosen by you. Your unique identifier should only include alphanumeric characters, '.', '_', or '-'.
Required : Yes
Location : path
Type : string
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
HTTP Method : PUT
Parameter Order : resourceId
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject/{resourceId}
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardobject.insert
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject
HTTP Method : POST
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject
Description : Inserts an gift card object with the given ID and properties.
▼ ▲ walletobjects.giftcardobject.list
HTTP Method : GET
Description : Returns a list of all gift card objects for a given issuer ID.
Flat Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject
Parameters :
Format : int32
Description : Identifies the max number of results returned by a list. All results are returned if `maxResults` isn't defined.
Location : query
Type : integer
Type : string
Location : query
Description : The ID of the class whose objects will be listed.
Location : query
Type : string
Description : Used to get the next set of results if `maxResults` is specified, but more than `maxResults` objects are available in a list. For example, if you have a list of 200 objects and you call list with `maxResults` set to 20, list will return the first 20 objects and a token. Call list again with `maxResults` set to 20 and the token to get the next 20 objects.
Path : walletobjects/v1/giftCardObject
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer