Discovery Engine API (discoveryengine:v1alpha)


4 new methods


  • discoveryengine.projects.locations.collections.dataStores.branches.documents.chunks.get

      Path: v1alpha/{+name}

      Flat Path: v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/collections/{collectionsId}/dataStores/{dataStoresId}/branches/{branchesId}/documents/{documentsId}/chunks/{chunksId}

      HTTP Method: GET



          Description: Required. Full resource name of Chunk, such as `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/dataStores/{data_store}/branches/{branch}/documents/{document}/chunks/{chunk}`. If the caller does not have permission to access the Chunk, regardless of whether or not it exists, a `PERMISSION_DENIED` error is returned. If the requested Chunk does not exist, a `NOT_FOUND` error is returned.

          Pattern: ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/collections/[^/]+/dataStores/[^/]+/branches/[^/]+/documents/[^/]+/chunks/[^/]+$

          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Type: string

      Parameter Order: name


      Description: Gets a Document.

  • discoveryengine.projects.locations.collections.dataStores.branches.documents.chunks.list

      Path: v1alpha/{+parent}/documents/{documentsId}/chunks

      Flat Path: v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/collections/{collectionsId}/dataStores/{dataStoresId}/branches/{branchesId}/documents/{documentsId}/chunks

      HTTP Method: GET



          Description: Required. The parent document resource name, such as `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/dataStores/{data_store}/branches/{branch}/documents/{document}`. If the caller does not have permission to list Chunks under this document, regardless of whether or not this document exists, a `PERMISSION_DENIED` error is returned.

          Pattern: ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/collections/[^/]+/dataStores/[^/]+/branches/[^/]+$

          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Type: string


          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Type: string


          Description: Maximum number of Chunks to return. If unspecified, defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 1000. Values above 1000 will be coerced to 1000. If this field is negative, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error is returned.

          Location: query

          Type: integer

          Format: int32


          Description: A page token ListChunksResponse.next_page_token, received from a previous ChunkService.ListChunks call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to ChunkService.ListChunks must match the call that provided the page token. Otherwise, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error is returned.

          Location: query

          Type: string

      Parameter Order:

    • parent
    • documentsId
    • Scopes:

      Description: Gets a list of Chunks.

  • discoveryengine.projects.locations.dataStores.branches.documents.chunks.get

      Path: v1alpha/{+name}

      Flat Path: v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/dataStores/{dataStoresId}/branches/{branchesId}/documents/{documentsId}/chunks/{chunksId}

      HTTP Method: GET



          Description: Required. Full resource name of Chunk, such as `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/dataStores/{data_store}/branches/{branch}/documents/{document}/chunks/{chunk}`. If the caller does not have permission to access the Chunk, regardless of whether or not it exists, a `PERMISSION_DENIED` error is returned. If the requested Chunk does not exist, a `NOT_FOUND` error is returned.

          Pattern: ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/dataStores/[^/]+/branches/[^/]+/documents/[^/]+/chunks/[^/]+$

          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Type: string

      Parameter Order: name


      Description: Gets a Document.

  • discoveryengine.projects.locations.dataStores.branches.documents.chunks.list

      Path: v1alpha/{+parent}/documents/{documentsId}/chunks

      Flat Path: v1alpha/projects/{projectsId}/locations/{locationsId}/dataStores/{dataStoresId}/branches/{branchesId}/documents/{documentsId}/chunks

      HTTP Method: GET



          Description: Required. The parent document resource name, such as `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/collections/{collection}/dataStores/{data_store}/branches/{branch}/documents/{document}`. If the caller does not have permission to list Chunks under this document, regardless of whether or not this document exists, a `PERMISSION_DENIED` error is returned.

          Pattern: ^projects/[^/]+/locations/[^/]+/dataStores/[^/]+/branches/[^/]+$

          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Type: string


          Location: path

          Required: Yes

          Type: string


          Description: Maximum number of Chunks to return. If unspecified, defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 1000. Values above 1000 will be coerced to 1000. If this field is negative, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error is returned.

          Location: query

          Type: integer

          Format: int32


          Description: A page token ListChunksResponse.next_page_token, received from a previous ChunkService.ListChunks call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. When paginating, all other parameters provided to ChunkService.ListChunks must match the call that provided the page token. Otherwise, an `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error is returned.

          Location: query

          Type: string

      Parameter Order:

    • parent
    • documentsId
    • Scopes:

      Description: Gets a list of Chunks.