▼ ▲ serviceconsumermanagement.services.consumerQuotaMetrics.limits.producerQuotaPolicies.list
Parameter Order : parent
Flat Path : v1beta1/services/{servicesId}/{servicesId1}/{servicesId2}/consumerQuotaMetrics/{consumerQuotaMetricsId}/limits/{limitsId}/producerQuotaPolicies
Description : Lists all producer policies created at current consumer node for a limit.
Parameters :
Type : string
Required : Yes
Description : Required. The resource name of the parent quota limit. An example name would be: `services/compute.googleapis.com/organizations/123/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion`
Location : path
Pattern : ^services/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/consumerQuotaMetrics/[^/]+/limits/[^/]+$
Description : Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list call.
Type : string
Location : query
Type : integer
Location : query
Format : int32
Description : Requested size of the next page of data.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1beta1/{+parent}/producerQuotaPolicies
HTTP Method : GET
▼ ▲ serviceconsumermanagement.services.consumerQuotaMetrics.limits.producerQuotaPolicies.delete
Description : Deletes a producer quota policy.
Path : v1beta1/{+name}
Flat Path : v1beta1/services/{servicesId}/{servicesId1}/{servicesId2}/consumerQuotaMetrics/{consumerQuotaMetricsId}/limits/{limitsId}/producerQuotaPolicies/{producerQuotaPoliciesId}
Parameters :
Description : Whether to force the deletion of the quota policy. If the policy deletion would decrease the default limit of any consumer tier by more than 10 percent, the call is rejected, as a safety measure to avoid accidentally decreasing quota too quickly. Setting the force parameter to true ignores this restriction.
Type : boolean
Location : query
Type : boolean
Location : query
Description : If set to true, validate the request, but do not actually update.
Description : If force option is set to true, force_justification is suggested to be set to log the reason in audit logs.
Type : string
Location : query
Description : Required. The resource name of the policy to delete. An example name would be: `services/compute.googleapis.com/organizations/123/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/producerQuotaPolicies/4a3f2c1d`
Required : Yes
Location : path
Pattern : ^services/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/consumerQuotaMetrics/[^/]+/limits/[^/]+/producerQuotaPolicies/[^/]+$
Type : string
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Parameter Order : name
▼ ▲ serviceconsumermanagement.services.consumerQuotaMetrics.limits.producerQuotaPolicies.patch
Parameter Order : name
Parameters :
Type : boolean
Location : query
Description : If set to true, validate the request, but do not actually update.
Location : query
Description : If force option is set to true, force_justification is suggested to be set to log the reason in audit logs.
Type : string
Type : boolean
Description : Whether to force the update of the quota policy. If the policy update would decrease the default limit of any consumer tier by more than 10 percent, the call is rejected, as a safety measure to avoid accidentally decreasing quota too quickly. Setting the force parameter to true ignores this restriction.
Location : query
Description : The resource name of the producer policy. An example name would be: `services/compute.googleapis.com/organizations/123/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/producerQuotaPolicies/4a3f2c1d`
Location : path
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^services/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/consumerQuotaMetrics/[^/]+/limits/[^/]+/producerQuotaPolicies/[^/]+$
Type : string
Description : Update only the specified fields. If unset, all modifiable fields will be updated.
Format : google-fieldmask
Type : string
Location : query
Flat Path : v1beta1/services/{servicesId}/{servicesId1}/{servicesId2}/consumerQuotaMetrics/{consumerQuotaMetricsId}/limits/{limitsId}/producerQuotaPolicies/{producerQuotaPoliciesId}
Path : v1beta1/{+name}
Description : Updates a producer quota policy.
▼ ▲ serviceconsumermanagement.services.consumerQuotaMetrics.limits.producerQuotaPolicies.create
Parameter Order : parent
HTTP Method : POST
Path : v1beta1/{+parent}/producerQuotaPolicies
Parameters :
Type : string
Pattern : ^services/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/consumerQuotaMetrics/[^/]+/limits/[^/]+$
Location : path
Description : Required. The resource name of the parent quota limit. An example name would be: `services/compute.googleapis.com/organizations/123/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion`
Required : Yes
Type : boolean
Description : If set to true, validate the request, but do not actually update.
Location : query
Description : If force option is set to true, force_justification is suggested to be set to log the reason in audit logs.
Type : string
Location : query
Type : boolean
Location : query
Description : Whether to force the creation of the quota policy. If the policy creation would decrease the default limit of any consumer tier by more than 10 percent, the call is rejected, as a safety measure to avoid accidentally decreasing quota too quickly. Setting the force parameter to true ignores this restriction.
Description : Creates a producer quota policy. A producer quota policy is applied by the owner or administrator of a service at an org or folder node to set the default quota limit for all consumers under the node where the policy is created. To create multiple policies at once, use ImportProducerQuotaPolicies instead. If a policy with the specified dimensions already exists, this call will fail. To overwrite an existing policy if one is already present ("upsert" semantics), use ImportProducerQuotaPolicies instead.
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Flat Path : v1beta1/services/{servicesId}/{servicesId1}/{servicesId2}/consumerQuotaMetrics/{consumerQuotaMetricsId}/limits/{limitsId}/producerQuotaPolicies
▼ ▲ serviceconsumermanagement.services.consumerQuotaMetrics.importProducerQuotaPolicies
Parameter Order : parent
Parameters :
Description : The resource name of the consumer. An example name would be: `services/compute.googleapis.com/organizations/123`
Type : string
Location : path
Required : Yes
Pattern : ^services/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+$
Scopes : https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
Path : v1beta1/{+parent}/consumerQuotaMetrics:importProducerQuotaPolicies
HTTP Method : POST
Description : Create or update multiple producer quota policies atomically, all on the same ancestor, but on many different metrics or limits. The name field in the quota policy message should not be set.
Flat Path : v1beta1/services/{servicesId}/{servicesId1}/{servicesId2}/consumerQuotaMetrics:importProducerQuotaPolicies