Access Context Manager API (accesscontextmanager:v1)


1 updated method


  • accesscontextmanager.organizations.gcpUserAccessBindings.patch



          Description: Optional. This field controls whether or not certain repeated settings in the update request overwrite or append to existing settings on the binding. If true, then append. Otherwise overwrite. So far, only scoped_access_settings supports appending. Global access_levels, dry_run_access_levels, and reauth_settings are not compatible with append functionality, and the request will return an error if append=true when these settings are in the update_mask. The request will also return an error if append=true when "scoped_access_settings" is not set in the update_mask.

          Location: query

          Type: boolean


          Description: Optional. This field will be used to control whether or not scoped access settings are appended to the existing list of scoped access settings. If true, the scoped access settings in the request will be appended to the existing list of scoped access settings. If false, the scoped access settings in the request replace the existing list of scoped access settings.

          Location: query

          Type: boolean